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yuqodfjka m%;spdr''

bÈß oi jir ;=< muKla fkdj h<s lsisodl Y%S ,xldfõ hqoaOhla we;s fkdjk nj ;ukag úYajdi hehs hdmkh m<d; Ndr hqo yuqod fiakdxl wd{dm;s fïc¾ ckrd,a ufyaIa fiakdr;ak mjihs'

Tyq hdmkh yuqod uQ,ia:dkfha§ ta nj lshd ;snqfKa hdmkfha j;auka ;;a;ajh ms<sn| lreKq bÈßm;a lsÍug mej;s udOH yuqjl§hs'

hqoaOhla ke;s kuq;a hqo yuqodj W;=f¾ /£ isàu ksid idudkH jeishkag bka úYd, hym;la fukau fiajdjla o isÿ jk nj fïc¾ ckrd,ajrhd i|yka lf<ah'

W;=f¾ isoaOia:dkj, isÿ jk iEu lghq;a;l§ fukau wdmod wjia:dj,§ hqo yuqodj idudkH jeishka iu. b;du ñ;=rej lghq;= lrk njo Tyq mejiSh'

jir .Kkdjla mej;s hqoaOh ksid W;=f¾ ck;dj hqo yuqodj iu. .kqfokq lsÍuka bj;aj isák njla fmfkkakakg we;;a hqo yuqodj iy fiiq wdrlaIl wxY ljqrekaoehs hkak f;areï .ekSug;a Tjqkaj y÷kd .ekSug;a W;aiy lrk fuka Tyq b,a,Sula fldg ;sfí'

;ukag we;s ishÆu .eg¿ <.u msysá yuqod l|jqr fj; bÈßm;a fldg iykhla ,nd.kakd f,i;a" ´kEu ÿla.ekú,a,la hqo yuqodj fj; bÈßm;a l< yels nj;a Tyq ck;djg oekqï § we;'

fï w;r fou< cd;sl ikaOdkfha foaYmd,k{hska lshd isákafka hqoaOh wjika ù jir y;la .; ù we;s neúka hqo yuqodj W;=re m<df;ka bj;a úh hq;= njhs'

W;=re m<d;a m%Odk wud;H iSù ú.afkaiajrka jjqkshdfõ§ fukau W;=f¾ ia:dk lSmhl§u mjid we;af;a hqo yuqodj W;=frka bj;a fldg ta fjkqjg fmd,sia n, weKs fhdod W;=f¾ jeishkag wdrlaIdj imhd Èh hq;= njhs'



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