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ujf.a wkshï ieñhd
14 yeúßos ksjqka oeßhka
fofokdju jßka jr flf,i,d''
uj úfoia.;jQ miq ksrka;rj
oeßúhka fofokdj ,
weiqrg fhdodf.k''

jhi wjqreÿ 14 la jk ksjqka ifydaoßhka fofofkl=g jßka jr nrm;, , w;jr isÿ l< 41 yeúßÈ mqoa.,fhl= uqkao,u fmd,Sia w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfnkjd'

fufia w;awvx.=jg f.k we;af;a uqkao,u fmd,sia jifï uyl=Uqlalvj, mÈxÑlrefjla' w;jrhg m;aj we;s oeßúhka fofokd mdi,a isiqúhka jk w;r isiqúhka fofokdf.a mshd uj yer f.dia we;s njhs jd¾;d jkafka'

, wmfhdackh l< iellre uj iu. wkshï weiqrla mj;ajd we;s w;r 2013 jif¾ isg tla oeßúhla iu. i;shlg j;djla , weiqrla mj;ajd we;s njhs úu¾Ykj,§ fy<sù ;sfnkafka'

miqj 2014 jif¾ isg wfkla oeßúho iellre jßkajr wmfhdackh lr ;sfnkjd' ;u ujf.a wkshï ieñhd úiska lrKq ,nk , n,mEï iïnkaOfhka oeßúhka fofokd úiska ñ;a;‚hg mjid we;;a weh ta iïnkaOfhka lsisÿ mshjrla f.k ke;s njhs mejfikafka'

óg udi 03 lg fmr oeßúhkaf.a uj /lshdjla ioyd úfoaY .;ù we;s w;r bka miqj iellre úiska ksrka;rj oeßúhka fofokdj , weiqrg fhdodf.k ;sfnkjd'

fï .ek kej; kej;;a ñ;a;‚hg oekqï§fuka miqj oeßúhka fofokd iu. uqkao,u fmd,Sishg meñK isoaêh .ek meñ‚,s lsÍfuka miqj wod, iellre fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfnkjd'

oeßúhka fofokd ffjoH mÍlaIKhla ioyd mq;a;,u uQ,sl frday,g we;=,;a lr we;s njhs fmd,sish mejiqfõ'


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