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weue;s w¾cqkg jeämqr iem
.kak ,laI 24 l ldu fudaol
jrdhg f.dvniajhs''
weu;sf.a oeä n,lsÍu ksid jrdfha
uqo,ska T!IO f;d.h ñ,§ wrka''

jrdh wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;df.a fufy ùfuka uok fudaolh" ldfïIajr fudaolh we;=¿ remsh,a ,laI úis y;rla jákd wdhq¾fõo T!IO f;d.hla yÈisfhau jrdhg f.kajdf.k tys .nvd lr we;ehs oek.kakg we;'

jrdfha uqo,aj,ska fuu T!IO f;d.h ñ,§ f.k we;af;a Y‍%S ,xld wdhq¾fõo ixia:dfjks' f.kajdf.k we;s T!IO f;d.fha wYaj.kaO wßIagh" wYaj.kaO pQ¾Kh" .aß;h uok fudaolh" ldfïIajr fudaolh we;=¿ jdÔlrK T!IO /ila we;ehs o jd¾;d fõ'

fuu T!IO f;d.h yÈis wjYH;djla u; hehs lshñka f.kajdf.k we;af;a jrdh wud;Hjrhdf.a oeä b,a,Su u;h' jrdh fiajlhkag wdhq¾fõo T!IO ,nd §fï jHdmD;shla f,i fmkajd foñka T!IO f.kajd we;;a T!IO ,nd §ug iqÿiqlï iys; wdhq¾fõo ffjoHjrhl= jrdh mßY‍%fha fkdue;s nj jrdh jD;a;Sh iñ;s i|yka lrhs'

fï iïnkaOfhka Y‍%S ,xld jrdh cd;sl fiajl ix.ufha iNdm;s Wfoaks l,HdK ;ka;‍%S uy;df.ka wm l< úuiSul § fyf;u i|yka lf<a f.kajk ,o T!IO jrdh fiajlhkag ks¾foaY lsÍu i|yd iqÿiqlï iys; wdhq¾fõo ffjoHjrhl= jrdhg wkqhqla; lr ke;s njhs' oekg isákafka lgq Ñls;aidj iïnkaOfhka jQ ämaf,daudOdßkshl nj;a weh ,jd wud;Hjrhd úiska fuu T!IO f.kajd .kq ,en we;s nj;a fyf;u i|yka lf<ah'

jrdh taldnoaO jD;a;Sh iñ;s ikaOdkh jrdh wud;Hjrhdf.ka b,a,d isáfha lmd oeuQ fndakia uqo,a h<s ,nd §u" jrdh m¾hka; fm!oa.,sllrKh keje;aùu" kj fiajlhka n|jd .ekSu iy oekg mj;sk fiajl úIu;d bj;a lsÍu" bl=;a wdKavq iufha jrdh uqo,a jxpksl f,i Ndú; l< by< ks,OdÍkag tfrysj kS;suh C%shdud¾. .ekSu we;=¿ m‍%Odk b,a,Sï lsysmhla nj;a wdhq¾fõo T!IO fyda jdÔlrK T!IO b,a,d isàug ;rï fn,ySk ;;a;ajhla jrdh fiajlhkag fkd;snQ nj;a Wfoaks l,HdK ;ka;‍%S uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiSh'

fï iïnkaOfhka wud;Hjrhdf.ka lreKq úuiSu i|yd Tyqf.a f,alïjrhl= wu;kq ,enqj;a iïm;a kue;s f,alïjrhd mejiqfõ wud;Hjrhd iïnkaO lr §ug fkdyels njhs' T!IO f;d.h iïnkaOfhka ;ukag lsisjla i|yka l< fkdyels nj o f,alïjrhd mejiSh'



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