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18 yeúßÈ ;reKshka fofokd
ì,s.;a foysj, ÿïßh wk;=f¾

Bfha foysj,§ ÿïßh mdfrka mkskakg W;aidy l< mdi,a isiqúhka fofofkl= ÿïßhl .eà Ôú;laIhg m;ajqKd'

fuu isiqúhka wk;=r isÿjk wjia:dfõ Tjqkaf.a cx.u ÿrl:k yd iïnkaO bh¾ f*daka lfkys rejdf.k ndysr Yío .ek wjOdkfhka f;drj isá nj;a f¾,a mdfrka mek we;af;a ÿïßhla tk Yíohg lka fhduq fkdlr nj;a wi< isáhjqka oel ;sfnkjd'

foysj, fjr<nv fydag,hl ixúOdkh lr ;snqK mdi,a ñ;=ßhlf.a ke.Kshlf.a WmkaÈk idohla i|yd fuu isiqúhka fofok ;j;a ñ;=re ñ;=ßhka msßila iu. f.dia ;snqfka ld¾ r:hlsks' Tjqka .sh jdykh uerhska v%hsõ ud¾.h wi< k;r fldg fydag,hg Tjqka .uka lrñka isá w;r thg f¾,a mdr mek hdhq;= úh'

wfkla ñ;=ßhka tkakg fmr fï fofokd blauKska f¾,amdr foig .uka lr we;af;a ÿrl:kfha weu;=ul wjOdkho we;sjh'

urodfka isg ol=Kq l¿;r olajd .uka lrñka isá ÿïßh t;ekg tk whqre Tjqka ne¨fõj;a ke;s nj;a ÿïßhg fydaka tl .ikakgj;a bvla fkd;snqK nj;a isoaêh ÿgqjka úia;r lr ;sfí'

wjdikdjka; f,i tlajru ÿïßfha .egqKq isiqúhka fofokd we§ f.dia hgù ;snQ w;r ÿïßh k;r lr kej; wdmiaig f.k isÿjQ foa mÍlaId lr we;'

wk;=r ksid isiqúhka fofokd t;eku Ôú;laIhg m;aj we;s nj oel.kakg ,enqKs' Tjqkaf.a isrere oel ú,dm k.ñka ñ;=frl= yd ñ;=ßhka lsysm fofkl= yevq njo ÿgqjka úia;r l<d'

nïn,msáfha YYqoaO jQ mjqf,a lkHdrdufha Wiia fm< yodrñka isá nj lshk ñ isiqúhka fofokd le,Ksfha mÈxÑ bfïIs hidrd iy je,a,j;af;a mÈxÑ fIfrdka iafj,ska nj y÷kdf.k ;sfí' mdif,a fyd|u fhfy<shka nj lshk Tjqka fofokdu 18 yeúßÈ úfha miqúh'


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