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W;=re isßhdj jglr
weußldj" reishdj" ;=¾lsh
l|jqre n¢;s''

W;=re isßhdfõ l=¾È ck;dj Ôj;ajk m%foaYh ;=< weußldj yd reishdj ish ñ,sgß ia:dk.; ùï iliñka we;'

kef.kysr yidfla isg ;=¾ls-isßhdkq foaYiSudj wdikak lñIa,s k.rh olajd lsf,daóg¾ 85la È.ska hq;= mnq ìï lvla ;=< fuu ñ,sgß bÈlsÍï isÿfjñka mj;S'

weußldkq úfYaI yuqodjka iy .=jka yuqodj m<uqj frfu,dka .=jkaf;dgqm< fj; <.djQ w;r weußldkq bxðfkare n,ldh úiska ieliQ ksjdij, Tjqka fï jk úg ,e.=ï f.k isá;s'

.=jka m:ho weußldkq fcÜ hdkd i|yd mq¿,a lr we;'  fuh isßhdj ;=< msysá l|jqrl isg weußldj C%shd;aul jk m<uq wjia:djhs'

ckjdß 16jkod fckrd,ajrhl=f.a kdhl;ajfhka reishdkq .=jka yuqod yd úfYaI yuqod lKavdhula isßhdkq yuqod md,k m‍%foaYfha msysá w;ayeroeuQ l=vd l|jqrlg f.dvnei we;s w;r fï jk úg th bÈß fufyhqï i|yd iliñka we;ehs mejfia'

fuu l|jqr yd weußldkq l|jqr w;r we;af;a lsf,daóg¾ 80la muKla nj mejfia'

reishdkq yuqod ia:dk.;ùu iu. ;=¾ls yuqodjo lñIs,s k.rh wdikakfha foaYiSudjg tmsáka hqO gexls yd ld,;=jlal= moaO;s ia:dk.; lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

;‍%ia;jdohg m‍%n, ;¾ckhla t,a, lrk ñ,sIshdjo fï l,dmfha C%shd;aul jk w;r l|jqre ne| isák úfoia n,hka C%shd;aul jkafka iyfhda.s;djfhkao m‍%;sjd§ whqßkao hkak ms<sn|j wjOdkhg ,laj ;sfí'


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