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rks,a yd f*dkS w;r
wjfndaO;d .súiqula''

tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha kdhl rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d yd m%cd;ka;%jd§ mlaIfha kdhl ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d w;r fuu i;sh uq,§ wjfndaO;d .súiqula w;aika lsÍug kshñ; nj tlS mlaI wNHka;r wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lr isà'

fuu wjfndaO;d .súiqfï m%;sM,hla jYfhka bvï wud;H tï'fla'ta'ã'tia' .=Kj¾Ok uy;df.a wNdjfhka ysia jQ md¾,sfïka;= wiqk fndfydaúg ir;a f*dkafiald uy;dg ,efnkq we;ehs by; lS wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lr isà'

ysia jQ md¾,sfïka;= wiqk tcdmh fj; ,nd fkd§u i|yd fï jkúg wfkla mlaIj,ska úYd, n,mEula t,a,fjñka mj;S' th tcdmhg ,efnkafka kï ta i|yd tcdm udOH wxY m%OdkS l%sIdka; m%idoa l=f¾ fyda ysgmq m<d;a iNd weu;s iqrksu, rdcmlaIf.a kï fhdackd ù ;sfí' fuu mqrmamdvq jQ wiqk w.ue;sjrhd Èjhskg meñKs miq ;uka flfia fyda ,nd.kakd nj iqrksu, rdcmlaI ;u mdlaIslhka yuqfõ iy;sl ù we;'

tfy;a wud;H rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d iy Tyqf.a mq;a p;=r fiakdr;ak mjikafka tcdmh yd ;u mlaIh uy ue;sjrKhg fmr w;aika l< wjfndaO;d .súiqu u; wNdjhlska ysiajk md¾,sfïka;= uka;%SOQrhla i|yd fjk;a wfhl= m;alsÍu wod, mlaIhg wh;a ld¾hhla njhs' ta wkqj .súiqïm%ldrj tlS n,h p;=r fiakdr;akf.a mlaIhg ysñ fõ' p;=r yd rdð; fï i|yd fhdackd lr isákafka m%cd;ka;%jd§ mlaIfha kdhl" *S,aâ ud¾I,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;djh'

fmf¾od ^23& lka;f,a mej;s bvï wud;Hjrhdf.a wju.=,a Wf<, i|yd iyNd.sùug wud;H rdð; fiakdr;ak iy Tyqf.a mq;a p;=r fiakdr;ak iu. ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d iy Tyqf.a mqoa.,sl f,alï" lms;dka fiakl yßm%sh o is,ajd r;au,dfka isg .=jka yuqod fy,sfldmagrhlska f.dia we;s w;r tu .uk i|yd ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl l=udr;=x. uy;añho iyNd.s ù ;sfí'

wo ^25& tcdm iNdm;s u,sla iurúl%u uy;d w.ue;sjrhd iu. Èjhskg meñKs miq wod, wjfndaO;d .súiqu w;aika lsÍug lghq;= lrkq we;s nj by; lS wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lr isà'



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