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isßhdfjka miqnisk
ISIS ;%ia;hka BY%dh,h yd
fcda¾odkh foig yeÍfï
oeä wjodkula''

isßhdj ;=< m‍%foaY w;am;a lr.ekSug fkdyelsùu iu. ISIS ;‍%ia;jd§ ixúOdkh BY%dh,h yd fcda¾odkh foig yeÍfï wjodkula mj;sk nj BY‍%dh, yuqodm;s ¨;skka fckrd,a .dä t,sikafldÜ mjid we;'

reishdj úiska isßhdj ;=< .=jka m‍%ydr t,a, lsÍu wdrïN lsÍfuka miq isßhdj ;=< ISIS bÈß.uk kej;S ;sfí'

t,sikafldÜ mjid we;af;a fuu ;;ajh u; BY‍%dh,h yd fcda¾odkh w;r we;s iduldó m%foaYhg Tjqkaf.a wjOdkh ,laùfï bvlvla mj;sk njhs'

isßhdfõ ol=Kq foaYiSudj ;=< ixúOdkfha C%shdldÍ;ajh Yla;su;a fkdjQj;a Tjqka ;u jevms<sfj, i|yd tu m‍%foaYfha lghq;= lrk ikakoaO ixúOdkh yd w;aje,a ne|.; yels njo ¨;skka fckrd,ajrhdf.a woyihs'

hduQla ì‍%f.avh kï ixúOdkh bÈßfha§ ISIS fj; iyh m< l< yels ixúOdkhla f,i y÷kajd§ we;s t,sikafldÜ fï nj mjid we;af;a fg,a wúõ úYajúoHd,fha cd;Hka;r wdrla‍Il wOHk wdh;kfha foaYkhla i|yd iyNd.S fjñks'

fï w;r BY‍%dh,fha wrdì ck.ykh w;r ISIS ixúOdkh fj; ie,lsh hq;= iyfhda.hla mj;sk nj trg ckdêm;s ßhqjka ßõ,ska mjid ;sfí'

fï jk úg wrdì BY‍%dh, cd;slhska 50la muK ISIS yd tlaj igka je§u i|yd isßhdj fj; f.dia we;ehs mejfia'  ñka fmr ISIS kdhl wnq nl¾ w,a ne.avEäo BY‍%dh,hg tfrysj ;¾ckhla t,a, lr ;sìKs'


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