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reishdkq hdkh ìu
oeóu .ek lK.dgqhs''
mqákaj yuqfjkak ´kE
- ;=¾ls ckdêm;s
ug l;djla kE - mqáka wÕyrejdod isßhdkq foaY iSudfõ § ish yuqod úiska reishdkq m%ydrl fcÜ hdkhla ìu fy<kq ,eîu ms,sn| lK.dgqj jk nj ;=¾ls ckdêm;sjrhd mjihs'

tjeks myr§ula isÿ fkdúKs kï th hym;a jk w;r tjekakla kej; isÿ fkdjkq we;ehs ;ud is;k njhs ;=¾ls ckdêm;s t¾fvda.ka mjikafka'

flfiajqjo" hdkh ìu fy<kq ,eîu iïnkaOfhka ;=¾ls ckdêm;sjrhd iudj whe§ula isÿ lr fkdue;'

w;HjYH fkdjk pdßld i|yd reishdjg hEfuka je,lS isák f,i ;=¾lsh ;u ck;djg wk;=re weÕùula lr ;snqK w;r bka wk;=rejhs ckdêm;s t¾fvda.ka ish lK.dgqj m<fldg we;af;a'

fudialõ w.kqjr ;=¾ls ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h bÈßmsg mej;s úfrdaO;d jHdmdr yuqfõ zz;;ajh hym;a jkf;lazz reishdfõ ixpdrh lsÍfuka j,lsk f,i ;=¾ls úfoaY wud;HdxYh m%ldY lr ;snqKs'

;=¾ls cd;slhkag ùid rys;j reishdjg we;=,aùug § we;s wjia:dj kj;d oud we;s w;r zzwkaldrdzz md,khg tfrysj mq¿,a uÜgfï wd¾:sl iïndOl mekùu ms<sn|j o reishdj ie,iqï lrñka isák nj;a jd¾;d fjhs'

t<fnk i;sfha m%xYfha§ uqyqKg uqyqK yuqù reishdkq ckdêm;sjrhd iu. idlÉpd lsÍug ;uka n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka isák nj ;=¾ls ckdêm;sjrhd udOHhg mejiq w;r Bg m%;spdr ,ndÿka reishdkq ckdêm;s mqáka ioyka lf,a tf,i yuqùula ;ukag wjYH fkdjk njhs'

miq.shod reishdkq m%ydrl hdkhg ;=¾lsh m%ydr t,a,lsÍu;a iu.u forg w;r u;fíod;aul ;;ajhla yg.k we;s w;r tu m%ydrh fjkqfjka ;=¾lsfha iudj .ekSula ;ukag wjYH fkdjk nj reishdj m%ldY lr isáhd'

;=¾lsfha fojk úYd,;u fj<| .kqfokq lrejd reishdj jk w;r forgu wd¾:sl jYfhka tlsfkld u; hefmk ;;ajhla we;s njhs ngysr udOH mjikafka'


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