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;shqKq W,a iúl<
fy,auÜ me,| fydrlï
/ila l< fofokd udÜgq''

ysia wdjrKhl ;shqKq W,a iúlr nrm;< wmrdO isÿlr we;ehs lshk iellrejka fofokl= je,slv fmd,sish uÕska w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

uqyqKq wdjrKh iys; ysia wdjrKfha bÈßmi isg msgqmi foig yß ueÈka iúlr we;s iqÿ hläka ilia lrk ,o wÕ,a 1 1$2la muK msg;g isák fia ilia lr we;s ;shqKq W,a 11la fuys iúl< ;sfí'

fujeks W,a iys; wmrdOj,g fhdod.; yels ysia wdjrKhla fmd,sish úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s m%:u wjia:dj fuh nj fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl ld¾hd,h lshhs'

we,amsáh fmd,sia n, m%foaYfhka fidrlï lrk ,o ldka;d h;=remeÈhla fhdod .ksñka fld<U yd je,slv m%foaYfha .ejfiñka isá iellrejka fofokl= fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg f.k mÍlaId lsÍfï§ nrm;< ;=jd, isÿl< yels ishqï W,a iys; fy,aughla h;=remeÈ Odjlhd me,| isá nj fmd,sish lshhs'

we,amsáh fmd,sia n, m%foaYfha ke;sjQ h;=remeÈh iïnkaOfhka tys wxl iys;j ish¨‍u fmd,sia ia:dk oekqj;a lsÍfuka miq ta .ek úuis,su;aj isá fmd,sish fuu h;=remeÈh yd iellrejka je,slv fmd,sia r:jdyk wxYfha ks,OdÍka fofokl= úiska bl=;aod ^26od& w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

rka NdKav meyer .ekSu" uyck foam< meyer .ekSu jeks fidrlï /ila iïnkaOfhka fuu iellrejka fmd,sishg wjYHj isák mqoa.,hka njo we,amsáh fmd,sish lshhs'

ysia wdjrKj,ska myr§ ;=jd, isÿ lsÍu fukau wmrdO isÿ lsÍug;a fmd,sia mÍlaIKj,§ fuu fy,auÜ me,¢ ysfika ks,OdÍkag myr§ m,d hEfï isoaëkaj,g fudjqkaf.a iïnkaOhla we;aoehs hkak ms<sn|j fmd,sia mÍlaIK wdrïN lr we;ehs we,amsáh uQ,ia:dk fmd,sish lshhs'


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