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;%‍ia:jdofha fjkila kE''
uOHia: ;‍%ia;jd§ka lshd
msßila keye''
mqáka weußldg lfKa
myrla fohs''

uOHia: ;‍%ia;jd§ka hkqfjka msßila fkdue;s nj reishdkq ckdêm;s õ,eÈó¾ mqáka mjid we;ehs jd¾;d fõ' Tyq mjid we;af;a uOHia: yd uOHia: fkdjk njg j¾.SlrKh lrñka jpk C%Svdjl ksr; úh yels njhs'

kuq;a ;‍%ia;jdofha fjkila fkdue;s nj Tyq mjid ;sfí'

l,dmh ;=< C%shd;aul jk ;‍%ia;jd§ lKavdhï úYd, m‍%udKhla we;s nj;a tajd u;jdo fjkqfjka fkdj uQ,H iïm;a fjkqfjka tlsfkld iu. igka jeo isák nj;a reishdkq ckdêm;sjrhd i|yka lr we;'

uOHia: úmla‍Ih hkqfjka kï l< msßia j,g ,ndÿka wú wdhqO wjidkfha§ ;‍%ia;jd§ka w;g m;aj we;s nj Tyqf.a woyihs'

õ,eÈó¾ mqáka fï woyia olajd we;af;a fidaÑ kqjr§ meje;afjk je,avdhs idlÉP iNdj wu;ñks'

;‍%ia;jdohg tfrysj igka jÈk nj mjik we;eï rdcHhka foìä C%Svdjl ksr;jk njo Tyq mjid ;sfí'  ;uka wlue;s frðuhla mrdch lsÍu i|yd ;‍%ia;jd§ lKavdhï Ndú;d lrk w;r;=r ;‍%ia;jdohg tfrys igfka id¾:l;ajhka w;alr .;a fkdyels nj mqákaf.a woyihs'

tjeks lKavdhula miqj n,fhka bj;a lr fyda wka ljr C%uhlska fyda fufyhúh yels njg jk u;h udhdjla nj Tyq i|yka lr we;'

fï w;r ;‍%ia;jdoh mrdch lsÍfuka muKla isßhdfõ ish¨ .eg¿j,g úi÷ï ,nd.; fkdyels njo mqáka wjOdrKh l< nj mejfia'


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