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ñksiqks'' fï hkafka talSh
,xldjg hk wjika nihhs''
fou< ikaOdk b,a,kafka B<uhs''

fou< ikaOdkfha ue;sjrK m‍%;sm;a;s m%ldYkfhka lshkjd B<. rcfhka Tjqka n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkafka 13 fjks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkfhka tydg .sh f*vr,a C%uhlg n,h fn§ula .ek'

W;=re kef.kysr m‍%foaY taldnoaO lsÍula .ek' t,a'à'à'B fha wruqKq ;uhs fou< ikaOdkh fï bgqlr .ekSug yokafka hehs ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d mejiSh'

ta uy;d tu m‍%ldYh lf<a l=,shdmsáh weUj m‍%foaYfha§ mej;s yuqjla wu;ñks'

jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d fuys§ fufiao mejiSh'

ysf¾ ú,x.=fõ isák ;‍%ia;jd§ iellrejka ish¨fokd uqod .ekSula .eko fou< ikaOdkh ish ue;sjrK m‍%ldYfha ioyka lrkjd' tfukau hqoaOh fufyhjQ kdhlhka" yuqodm;sjreka" fiakdxlj,g wK ÿka yuqod ks,OdÍka hk ish¨fokd ðkSjd udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fhka hqo wêlrKhg f.kshkak rch iyfhda,h ,ndÈh hq;= njla fou< ikaOdkh lshkjd'

fuh Nhdkl ;;a;ajhla' 30 jirl hqoaOfhka miqj rg ixj¾Okh lsÍu ioyd wfma rch ,nd.;a úfoaY Kh ksis whqßka úêu;aj wdfhdackh l<d'wms jeämqr Kh ,nd.;af;a Ökfhka'

meje;s hymd,k rch Ökfhka ,efnk Kh wdOdr ke;s l<d'ta ;=<ska oeka rfÜ wd¾:slh lvd jeàug ,lafj,d' ù j,g iy;sl ñ,la fokak neß fmd,a" rn¾ yd lsß ksIamdok ioyd oeka ñ,la ke;af;a fï ksihs'

80 oYlhg oeka fï rg fhduq fjñka mj;skjd' flá ld,h ;=<§ wmg oel.kak ,enqKd W;=relf¾§ fmd,Sisfha jdyk .sks ;shkjd' Widúj,g myr fokjd' mdrj,a yryd gh¾ mqÉpkjd' t,a'à'à'B fldä odkjd' úfrdaO;d fmdaiag¾ m‍%o¾Ykh lrkjd' 80 oYlfha§ W;=relrfha ;snQ iajrEm ,laIK h<s;a oel .kakg ,eîu b;d Nhdkl ;;a;ajhla'



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