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f*dkafiald ;u Pkaoh
yodf.k kE''
Èkh lgg tk;=re *S,aâ ud¾I,a
okafk;a kE''

wo^17& meje;afjk md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrKfha§ fld<U Èia;%slalhg ;r. lrk m%cd;ka;%jd§ mlaIfha kdhl *S,aâ ud¾I,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;df.a ku fujr;a Pkao ,ehsia;=fõ fkdue;s nj;a Tyqg Pkao ldâ m;a ,eî fkdue;s nj;a Tyq oek f.k ;sfnkafka Bfha oskfhaoSh'

fï iïnkaOj ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhd fj; ,smshla fhduq lrñka Tyqf.a kS;S{ Y%S mS' Y%Sldka;ka uy;d fmkajd § ;sfnkafka fujr uy ue;sjrKh i|yd fld,U Èia;%slalfhka ;r. je§u msKsi ir;a f*dkafiald uy;df.a kdu fhdackd ms,s f.k ;snQjo Tyqf.a Pkao ldâ m; ;ju;a Tyq fj; ,eî fkdue;s njhs'

tfukau Pkao ysñ kdu f,aLKfha o ir;a f*dkafiald uy;df.a ku fïjk;=re we;=,;a fldg fkdue;s nj g o tu ,smsh u.ska fmkajd § ;sfí' md,k iuh ;=< m%cd wYlakq;djhlg m;a lrk ,o ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d yg ue;sjrKhla i|yd ;r. lsÍug fyda Pkaoh m%ldY lsÍug we;s whs;sh ;ykï lrkq ,enqjo j;auka ckm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ue;s;=uka úiska wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 34 j.ka;sh hgfha mejeÍ we;s n,;, wkqj úfYaI ckdêm;s iudjla ,nd§u u.ska f*dkafiald uy;dfõ m%cd whs;Ska h,s;a ,nd fok ,§'

tneúka wo ^17& Èkfha § ir;a f*dkafialduy;dg ish Pkaoh Ndú;d lsÍu i|yd wjia:dj i,ik f,i;a Bg wod, Wmfoi wod, Pkao fmdf,a ia:dk Ndr ks,OdÍjrhd fj; ,nd §ug lghq;= lrka f,i;a wod, ,smsh u.ska ue;sjrK flduidßia jrhdg jeä ÿrg;a oekqï § ;sfí'

kS;s{ Y%S ldka;d flduidßia jrhd fj; hjk ,o ,smsh my; oelafõ''

Sri P Sriskantha, LL.M.(UK), J.P. , 
Solicitor (Eng & Wales), 

“Supra Villa”,
No. 7/2, Sri Saranankara Road,
Dehiwela, Sri Lanka.

Sun., 16th August, 2015.

Mr.Mahinda Deshapriya,
Commissioner of Elections,
Elections Secretariat,

Dear Sir,

I write on the instructions of my Client, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka of No.N461/7, Pubudu Pedesa, Wali Road, Thalawathugoda.

My said Client is the Leader of the Democratic Party and has been nominated by his Party to contest the Parliamentary elections from the Colombo District scheduled to be held tomorrow (17.08.2015). Even though you have accepted his nomination to contest the said elections my Client informs me that he has not obtained his Poll Card and believes his name is not on the Polling List to enable him to cast his vote.

My Client presumes that consequent to his convictions in politically motivated cases by the Rajapakse regime his name would have been struck-off due to his civic rights being removed upon the said convictions. However His Excellency the President Maithreepala Sirisena by virtue of powers vested in him under Article 34 of the Constitution has granted my said Client a free pardon thereby restoring his civic rights.

Therefore, I respectfully urge you to include my Client’s name in the Polling List and provide him a Polling Card to enable him to cast his vote at the said Elections tomorrow.

I would also very much appreciate if you could give the necessary instructions to the relevant Returning Officer so that no embarrassment is caused to my Client at the time of him casting his vote at the polling station.

I take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your kind co-operation and attention in this regard.

Yours truly,

Encl. Copies of Pardon


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