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wekafok ffu;%S iy
wkaok Tyqf.a f.dín

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d úiska uyskao rdcmlaI wrUhd lrkq ,nk myr§ï ue;sjrKh ,xj;au ;Sj% ù we;s nj fmfka' uyskao iy ikaOdkh mrÈk nj uq,ska ck;dj wu;d l, l;dj;a" fmf¾od Èkfha uyskao fj; hejq ,smsh;a" Bfha Èkfha mlaIfha iy ikaOdkfha f,alïjreka bj;a lsÍu;a foaYmd,k f,dalh le,îug ,la lf<ah'

úOdhl ckdêm;s fyda mlaIfha kdhlhd f,i ;ukag is;e.s fohla lsÍug yels nj Tyq fyda Tyqg Wmfoia fok Tyqf.a flajÜghka is;kjd úh yelsh' tfy;a tu l%shdjka j,ska ;uka n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk m%;sm,h ,efíkafka oehs th lsÍug m%:uj is;d ne,sh hq;=h'

uyskao mrÈk nj;a" ikaOdkh mrÈk nj;a cd;sh wu;d m%ldY lsÍfuka miq uyskao ;j ;j ke.S isá nj fudjqkag fkdmkqkd kï th mqÿuhg ldrKhla úh hq;=h' ksod isá Y%S,xld ksoyia mlaIslh;a ffu;%Sg ffjr lr .uka uyskao jgd f.dkq úh' tys fofjks È.=jla f,i fmf¾od tjQ ,smsh;a Bfha bj;a lrkq ,enQ f,alï,d ksid;a kej;;a ikaOdk mdlaIslhd wjê ù isà'

tfukau ;uka m%ldY lrkq ,nk lreKq j, we;s j,x.=;djh .ek rfÜ ckdêm;sjrhd f,i jákdlula ;sìh hq;=h' uyskaog kdufhdackd fokafk;a ke;s nj;a" uyskao Èkkafka ke;s nj;a Tyq m%ldY l<o wojk úg ila iqola fia uyskao Èkk nj;a uyskaog kdufhdackd ,enqk nj;a fï uyfmd<fõ ikd: ù we;'

w.ue;s lug wkqr m%sh o¾Yk hdmd" iqis,a fma%uchka; iqÿiq hhs fhdackd lr th ;u mdlaIslhd lshjd bjr lsÍug;a m%:uj Tjqka kqiqÿiq mqoa.,hka njg m;a lr mlaIfhka iy ishÆ ;k;=re j,ska bj;a lrkq ,nhs'

j.lsj hq;= iy mj;sk foaYmd,k m%jdyhka f;areï .ekSug yelshdjla fkdue;s n,fhka TÆ Wÿïujd.;a ;u jHdmdßl wruqKq Tiafia w;ruka jQ flajÜghka msßila ;ud jgd ;nd .ekSfï m%;sm, fufia ksl=;a jk nj kï meyeÈ,sh'


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