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merÿKq weu;sf.a
zmq;hs f,a,shsz fydfrka
mä wrka udÜgq''

uy ue;sjrKfhka mrdchg m;a jQ tla‌i;a ck;d ksoyia‌ ikaOdkfha ysgmq weue;sjrhl=f.a m<d;a iNd uka;%S mq;%hd iy f,a,sh kS;s úfrdaë f,i fï udih ola‌jd remsh,a ,la‍I .Kkska jegqma yd §ukd ,ndf.k we;ehs udOH u.ska wkdjrKh lr ;sfnkjd'

m<d;a iNd uka;%S mq;%hd ish weue;s mshdf.a fm!oa.,sl f,alïjrhd f,i lghq;= lrñka jegqma yd §ukd we;=¿ ishÆ myiqlï ,ndf.k we;s w;r uka;%S mq;%hdf.a ìß| weue;s uduKa‌ähf.a uyck iïnkaO;d ks,Odßksh f,i fukau ish ieñhdf.a ld¾h uKa‌v, l<ukdlrK iyldrjßh jYfhkao jegqma yd §ukd ,ndf.k we;s njhs tu udOH jd¾;d i|yka lrkafka'

weue;sjrhdf.a mq;%hd m<d;a iNd uka;%S yd weue;s fm!oa.,sl f,alï f,i lghq;= lrñka fuu jif¾ fï ola‌jd remsh,a oY ,la‍Ihlg wêl uqo,la‌ jegqma yd §ukd f,i ,ndf.k ;sfnkjd'

Tyqf.a ìß| weue;sjrhdf.a uyck iïnkaO;d ks,Odß f,i fï ola‌jd remsh,a ydr ,la‍Ihlg wêl uqo,la‌o ish uka;%S ieñhdf.a ld¾h uKa‌v, l<ukdldr iyldr f,i remsh,a ,la‍I tly udrlg wêl uqo,la‌o jegqma yd §ukd f,i ,ndf.k we;s njhs mejfikafka'

weue;sjrhdf.a mq;%hd iy f,a,sh wod<  wud;HdxYfhka fukau m<d;a iNdfjka fuf,i jegqma fol ne.ska yd §ukd ,nd .ekSu wdh;k ix.%yh iïmQ¾Kfhkau W,a,x>kh lsÍula‌ nj ta iïnkaOfhka lrk ,o ú.Kk úuiqï jd¾;dfõ i|yka jkjd'

tfukau wud;HdxYh hgf;a mj;sk wdh;khl we;s ixrla‍IK iud.ul l<ukdlrK wOHla‍I f,io uka;%S mq;%hd remsh,a ;=ka ,la‍Ihl §ukdjla‌ ,ndf.k we;s w;r tlu ÿrl:k wxlhla‌ i|yd m<d;a iNdfjka iy  wud;HdxYfhka remsh,a tla‌ ,la‍I mkia‌ oyilg wêl uqo,la‌o ÿrl:k weu;=ï .dia‌;= f,i ,ndf.k we;s nj i|yka'


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