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rdcH ;dka;%sl ks,Odßfhl=g
fld<U§ myr fohs''
ìß|j;a ¥IKh lrk nj lsh,d''
ùäfhda iys;hs''

fld<U yhsâ mdla ys msysá tla;rd iqm¾ fikag¾ fj<|ie,la wdikakfha § fmf¾od rd;%S 8'00 muk mqoa.,fhla úfoaY ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,hl ks,Odßfhl=g wiNH jpkfhka nek jÈñka myr§fï isoaêhla iïnkaO ùäfhdajla fï jk úg iudc cd, fjâ wvú Tiafia ixirKh fjñka mj;skjd'

BMW r:hlska meñKs fudyq ud¾.fha jerÈ miska meñK we;s w;r ;dkdm;s ks,Odßhd meñKs r:hg" r: wx.khg we;=¿ lsÍug fkdyels jk wdldrhg msúiqu wjysr lr we;s njhs tu ùäfhdaj wka;¾cd,hg tla l< mqoa.,hd i|yka lr we;af;a'

fï wjia:dfõ § BMW r:fha isá mqoa.,hd mjid we;af;a wks;a miska r:h Odjkh lrk f,ihs' kuq;a ;dkdm;s ks,Odßhd mjid we;af;a th kS;shg mgyeksùu fya;=fjka ;udg tfia l< fkdyels njhs' Tyq ;u ßfhka t,shg meñk ta nj fmkajd §ugo lghq;= lrk ;sfnk nj;a wod< ùäfhdaj wka;¾cd,hg tla l< ;eke;akd úia;r lr ;sfnkjd'

tu wjia:dfõ§ BMW r:h miqmig f.k ;dkdm;s ks,Odßhdg bv ,nd§ug yelshdj ;snqk o Tyq tfia isÿlr keke' ñks;a;= 10 la muk fufia .;ù we;s w;r BMW r:fha isá mqoa.,hd zWU ;dkdm;s ks,Odßfhla fkfuhs ljqrejqk;a lula keye''z hkqfjka mjiñka wiNH jpkfhka nek jÈñka iy ;dkdm;s ks,Odßhdf.a ìß| Tyq bÈßmiu ¥IKh lrk njg ;¾ckh lrñka ;dkdm;s ks,Odßhdf.a ìß|;a orejka fofokd;a bÈßfha§u Tyqg myr §ug lghq;= lr we;s nj;a wod< mqoa.,hd i|yka lr ;sfnkjd'

tu ùäfhdaj my;ska oelafõ''


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