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uyskao f.or heõfõ uu''
rdcmla‌I rch fmr¿fõ
jhsn¾ ;dla‌IKfhka''

uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckm;s h<s n,hg tafï jEhu id¾:l jQfha kï wysxilhska .Kkdjla ñhhdug ;snQ nj pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl ysgmq ckm;sksh mjihs'

bkaÈhdfõ kjÈ,a,ys meje;s yskaÿ - fn!oaO iuq¿jlg iyNd.Sùug .sh pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl uy;añh udOHfõ§ka msßila wu;ñka fï nj m%ldY l< nj trg udOH jd¾;d wkdjrKh lrhs'

j;auka wdKavqj iu. /¢ isák ;udg m%Odk wfmala‍Id ;=kla we;s njo ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl l=udr;=x. uy;añh tys§ mjid ;sfí'

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rdcmla‌I ckm;sjrhd mrdch lsÍug fhdod .;af;a bkaÈhdfjka ,ndÿka pkao%sld ÿrl:k fkdj jhsn¾ ;dla‌IKh nj ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKa‌vdrkdhl l=udr;=x. uy;añh m%ldY lr we;' bkaÈhdfjka ;ukag pkao%sld ÿrl:k ,ndÿka nj m%ldY ùu wuQ,sl fndrejla‌ njo weh mejiSh'

rdcmla‌I rch fmr<Su i|yd uQ,sl idlÉPd i|yd jhsn¾ ;dla‌IKh fhdodf.k ÿrl:k weue;=ï ,nd.;a nj;a fuu ;dla‌IKh Tia‌fia ,nd .kakd ÿrl:k weue;=ïj,g ijka §ug nqoaê wxYj,g yelshdjla‌ fkd;snqKq nj;a weh m%ldY lr we;'

rdcmla‌I ckm;sjrhdg tfrysj úmla‌I ixúOdkh f.dvke.=fõ ;ud nj weh yskaÿ mqj;am;g m%ldY lr we;'


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