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bkaÈhdjg ñ,shk .Kkska
.xj;=r wdOdr fn¥
zzix.d - uqr,s - ufya,zz ,xldj
fjkqfjka l< foa .ek lshhs''

Y%S ,xldjg n,mE whym;a ld,.=Kfhka mSvdjg m;ajQjkag wjYH iyk i<id §ug l=ud¾ ix.laldr iy ufya, chj¾Ok iy uq;a;hshd uqr,sorka l%shd fkdlr njg iudc cd, Tiafia fndfyda fofkl= Tjqkag fodaIdfrdamKh lr ;snqKd'

we;euqka fmkajd ÿkafka ufya," ix.d yd uqr,s óg by;§ bkaÈhdfõ fpkakdhs kqjrg n,mE .xj;=r wdmodj,ska úm;g m;ajQjkag wjYH uqo,a Wmldr lrk ,oehs fndfydafihska m%pdrh jQ njhs' tfyhska bkaÈhdjg Woõ l< whqßkau Y%S ,xldjg Woõ lsÍu .ek;a is;k f,ihs Tjqka fpdaokd lr we;af;a'

flfia fj;;a óg m%;spdr olajñka ;ud" l=ud¾ ix.laldr yd uq;a;hshd uqr,sorka ish moku yryd wjYH iyk ie<iSug l%shd lr we;s nj;a th m%isoaO lsÍug wjYH fkdjk nj;a Y%S ,xldfõ ysgmq kdhl ufya, chj¾Ok i|yka lr ;sfnkjd'

whym;a ld,.=Kh fya;=fjka mSvdjg m;ajQjkag ufya," l=ud¾ yd uqr,s Woõ lsÍï ms<sn|j f;dr;=re jd¾;d fkdjQ w;r ta ms<sn|j È.ska È.gu Tjqkag iudc cd, yryd úfõpk t,a,ùu;a iu. fuu wkdjrKh isÿ flreKd'

ish mokï yryd úm;g m;ajQjkag iyk i,id we;s w;r È.ska È.gu úm;g m;ajQjkag Woõ lrñka isák njhs ufya, jeä ÿrg;a i|yka lr we;af;a'

ufya, chj¾Ok bka ;j ÿrg;a i|yka lr ;sfnkafka fuh Y%S ,xldj yd bkaÈhdj w;r fohla fkdjk nj;a Woõ wjYH mqoa.,hskg Woõ lrñka isák njhs'


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