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.d,a,g meñKs msßfika
¼ la muKhs lsre,mkg

fujr uehs Èkfha§ Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIhg meyeÈ<sju wNsfhda.hla ;snQ ksid ;u mlaIh th by,skau ieuÍug l%shd l< nj Y%S,ksm NdKavd.dßl wud;H tia'î'Èidkdhl uy;d mejiSh'

.d,a,g meñKs ,laI ixLHd; ksoyia mdlaIslhska msßi yd ii|k úg lsre,mk /<shg meñK isáfha .d,af,a msßfika ¼ l muk msßila hehso mejiQ weu;sjrhd"

Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIslhkaf.a .dÆ uehs /<sh i|yd meñKs jdyk y;a wg ishhlg muK /<sh meje;s l%Svdx.khg wi,g j;a meñKsh fkdyels jQ njo i|yka l< .d,a, iuk, l%Svdx.kfha tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdk uehs /<sh ms<sn|j udOH fj; úfYaI m%‍ldYhla isÿ lrñks'

weu;sjrhd tys§ fufiao lSfõh'

uehs Èkh lshkafka lïlrejkaf.a Èkhhs' lïlrejkaf.a b,a,Sï j,g iyh m<lsÍu wfma wruqKhs' wfma jD;a;sh iñ;s bÈßfhka ;nd f.khs wms fï uehs Èkh iurkafka'

wfma mlaIfha ál fokhs lsre,mk .sfha' fldfydu;a ÈfkaIa weu;s;=ud,d" fldñksiaÜ mlaIh" jdiq jeks wh fjku uehs Èkh iurkjd' fï ief¾ fjkilg jqfka wfma ysgmq ckdêm;s;=ud yd uka;%Sjre msßila t;kg hduhs'

iuyre t;kg ;kshu .shd' iuyreka fkd.syska ysáhd' iuyreka .d,a,g wdjd' wfma ;lafiarej wkqj .d,a,g meñKs msßfika ¼ la muKhs lsre,mkg .sfha'

uq¿ rgu okakjd wfma jdyk y;a wg iShlg me;a;g tkak neß jqkd' yji 6'30 fjklkq;a iuyreka .d,a,g wdjd' .sh ief¾ wfma uehs Èkhg jvd 15 .=Khla muk fik. wdjd'

mlaIfha NdKavd.dßl yeáhg nia 2100 .dklg wms i,a,s nekaod' kuq;a tod nia 3000 lg jeäh wdjd' fï ;onoh ksid iuyrekag .d,a,g we;=¿ fjkak;a neßjqkd' fï uehs Èkfha § wmsg wNsfhda.hla ;sínfka' lsre,mk /<sh ;sífí wmsg wNsfhda. lrkakhs' ta ksid wm fï ief¾ uehs Èfka f,dl=jgu lrkak uykais jqkd'

-ixch oikdhl


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