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Ôú; mß;Hd.fhka rg ksoyia
lr.;a rKúrejka ysf¾''
fldá fldäh ;reKhkaf.a msfÜ''
LTTE ,dxPkh iys; lñi j,ska
ieriS isxy, fld,a,kaf.ka
b,a,k yeá'' ùäfhda

oyia .Kka Ôú; ì,s.;a 30 jirl Ydm,;a hqoaOh wjikalr ;ju;a .;ù we;af;a jir lsysmhla muKs' tfy;a u< fldáhdf.a wÿre fijke,s jßka jr ;ju;a wm w;r fyd,auka lrk nj ld,h mqrdjgu olakg ,enqKs'

Y%S ,xldj ;=< ;ykï ixúOdkhla jQ LTTE ixúOdkfha ,xPkh iys; à-I¾Ü tlla ye|.;a fou< ;reKfhl=" isxy, ;reKhka msßila iu. .egqula we;s lr .kakd ùvsfhdajla uqyqK fmd;g tlalr ;snqKs' uÿrkal=,s m%foaYfha ;reKhl= úiska ;u f*aia nqla .sKqug fuu ùäfhdaj tla lr ;snqKq w;r fuu isoaêh ueofmrÈ. rgloS isÿù we;s njhs jd¾;d jkafka'

fldá ixúOdkfha ks, ,dxPkh iys; lñih ye|.;a mqoa.,hd iu. isák wfkl=la fou< cd;slhka msßi Tjqkag ,xldfõ B,dï rdcHh kej; wjYHj we;s nj;a ;ukaf.a cd;sfha kdhlhd m%Ndlrka nj;a mjid .egqug uq, mqrd we;s nj mejfia'

bkamiqj isxy, ;reKhka úiska Tyqg th .,jd ouk f,i mjik w;r th m%;slafIam lrk fou< ;reKhd .egqulg uq, mqrk wdldrhla fmkkakg ;sfí' bkamiq fomd¾Yjh w;r .=á neg yqjudrejlao isÿjk w;r fldá i<l=K iys; lñig ye|.;a mqoa.,hd iu. isák msßio isxy, ;reKhka msßi iu. .=á neg yqjudre lr.kS'

flfia fj;;a rcfha iy wdrlaIl wxYhkays j.lsjhq;a;kaf.a wjOdkh fujkajQ mqoa.,hka fj; fhduqúh hq;af;a ;sia jirla neg lE rglg kej;;a tjka jQ hq.hla wjYH fkdjk neúks' kshfmd;af;ka lvkakg yels foa fmdfrdfjka lemSu olajd j¾Okh ùug bv fkdÈh hq;=h' ld,h mqrdjg jir .Kkdjla uykaisù isxy, ;reKhl= úiska ks¾udKh lr ,o jkaks fufyhqu kïjQ mß.Kl l%Svdjo rch úiska ;ykï lrkq ,enQ nj Tyq úiska ioyka lr ;snqKs' thg fya;=j ù we;af;a mß.Kl l%Svdj ;=< LTTE fldäh o¾Ykh jk ksid njo mejiqKs'

tjka miqìula ;=, fï wdldrhg kej;;a B<dï isyskh fou< ;reKhkaf.a is;a ;=<g ldjeoSug fmr fmr u¾Okg ,la l< hq;=h' wfkla ldrKdj kï ld,fha wem u; ksoyiaj ;ï .ï ìï n,d .sh foaYmd,k isrlrejka kñka yeÈkajQ fndfydula fldá idudðlhka mqkqre;a:dmk fkdjQjka jk w;r Tjqka ;ju;a B<dï isyskh olsk" ;u wruqK w;yer oeóug wlue;s jQ msßila njo wm úiska isys ;nd .; hq;=h'

tu ùäfhdaj my;ska krUkak''

iïmQ¾K ùäfhdaj my;ska krUkak''


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