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msgilaj,fhda od,d .shmq
jir 800la merKs f*daka tlla
fmdf<dj háka u;=fjhs @
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fï úYajfha wm Ôj;ajkafka ;ksj fkdjk njg we;eï wjia:dj,§ úoHd{hska mjid ;snqfKa idlaIs idOlo iys;jhs' we;euqka tajd úYajdi fkdl<;a mqrdK Ñ;%j, fukau msróvj, we;s we;eï leghï j, olajd we;s Ôùka yd úúO NdKav ksidfjka hï wjia:dj, msgilaj,hska fï úYajfha ießirK njg Tngo isf;kjd jkakg mq¿jka'

fï Èkj, tf,i l=;=y,hla f.fkk PdhdrEm fm<la wka;¾cd,hg tlaj ;sfí' tys oelafjkafka jir 800la merKs ÿrl:khla ´iag%shdfõ leKSï j,§ fidhd.;a njghs

W,a wl=re iys; fuu ÿrl:kh ms<sn|j uq,skau f,djg fy<slr we;af;a Youtube pek,a tlla u.ska jk w;r miqj isoaêh iïnkaofhka f,djmqrd m%isoaO fjí wvú fukau rEmjdyskS udOHj,o oeä l;dnyla we;sj ;sfí'

ueá jeks o‍%jHhlska ks¾udKh lr we;s W,a yevhlska hq;a fuu cx.u ÿrl:kfha u;=msg wxl igykajk wdldrfhka wlaIr igyka lr we;s njhs úfoia mqj;a fiajd fmkajd fokafka'

flfiafj;;a fuu WmlrKh yuqjq wdldrh fyda ta fjkqfjka isÿflrekq leKSï ms<sn| mqrdúoHd{hka jeäÿrg;a f;dr;=re ,nd§ keye'

cx.u ÿrl:khla jeks fuu WmlrKh iqm%isoaO ÿrl:k iud.ula úiska uq,a ld,fha y÷kajdÿka ÿrl:khlg o fndfyda fihska iudklula olajkjd'

fï w;r mqrdK Ñ;%j, isák mqoa.,hska ,emafgdma mß.Kl jeks hula Ndú;d lrk whqre igykaj ;sîu;a fuu ÿrl:kh;a w;r hï iïnkaOhla mj;sk njg úoHd{hska iel u;= lrk w;r we;eï msßia mjid isákafka fuh ñksiqka uq,d lsÍug f.khk fndrejla njhs'

tfukau we;eï msßia fmkajd fokafka msgilaj, Ôùka m%:súhg meñKs njg fuu.ska ;yjqre jk njhs'

tfia fkdjkafka kï Tjqka iy m%:sú Ôùka w;r ukd in|;djla mej;s njg fuu ÿrl:kh yuqùu;a iu. ;yjqre jk njhs we;eï úoHd{hkaf.a u;h jkafka'

flfiafj;;a fuu ÿrl:kfha u;=msg igyka lr we;s wlaIr Tiaá‍%hd úoHd{hka lsisjl=g;a wkdjrK lr .ekSug fuf;la yelshdjla ,eî keye'

úfoia udOH jd¾;d lr ;snQ ÿrl:kfha PdhdrEm my;ska'


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