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reishdj Bðma;= .=jka
.uka w;aysgjhs''

reishdkq .=jka hdkh Bðma;=fõ § lvd jeàug fya;=j fidhd .kakd ;=re Bðma;=j yd reishdj w;r mshdir flfrk ishÆ u u.S .=jka hdkd w;aysgùug reishdj ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

u.Ska 224 la /f.k mshdir lrñka ;snqKq reishdkq u.S .=jka hdkh iskdhs w¾Ooaùmfha § lvd jeàfuka u.Ska ishÆ fokdu ñ w;r" .;j .sh oYlh we;=<; thd¾nia hdkhla iïnkaO nrm;,u .=jka wk;=r fuhhs'

fï w;r;=r Bðma;=fõ isák n%s;dkH cd;sl ixpdrlhka úfYaI wdrlaIl úêúOdk hgf;a wdmiq f.k tau wdrïN ù we;'

n%s;dkH .=jka hdkd k;r lsÍug w.ue;s leurka .;a ;SrKh Bðma;=fõ úfõpkhg ,la úh'

Bðma;= md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S fudfyduâ Trdì lshd isáfha n%s;dkH cd;slhkaf.a wdrlaIdj fjkqfjka fâúâ leurka w.ue;sjrhd úiska .kq ,enQ ;SrKhg Bðma;=fõ úreoaO;ajhla ke;;a fuh mßK; ;SrKhla f,i ms<s.; fkdyels njhs'

jeäÿrg;a woyia olajñka Bðma;= uka;%S fudfyduâ Trdì mjikafka wk;=rg ,la jQ hdkfha l¿ fmÜáhj;a ;ju mÍlaId lr ksjerÈ f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lr .ekSug fmr n%s;dkH ish .=jka .uka kj;d oeóu ms<s.; fkdyels njhs'

oeä wdrlaIl mshjr hgf;a f.k tk n%s;dkH ixpdrlhka.uka uÆ /f.k taug fjk;a hdkhla fhdod .ekSug lghq;= lrk njhs jd¾;d jkafka'

n%s;dkH mjikafka reishdkq hdkh fndaïnhla u.ska ìu fy,d we;s njg f;dr;=re ,eî we;s njhs'



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