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SF f,dl+ iy ifydaorhd
we,a,Sug fmd,Sish ck;d
iyh m;hs''
tia't*a'f,dl+ tlal ;sfhk
iïnkaOh fudloao hkak ysgmq
weu;s ;siai lr,shoao lshhs''

rd;%S iudcYd,d ysñlrejl= jQ jika; fidhsid >d;kh lsÍfï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd ,en oekg ieÕù isák bfrdaka rKisxy fkdfyd;a tia't*a' f,dl+ iy Tyqf.a ifydaorhd jk wis; rKisxy fï jk úg fld<U m%foaYhg meñK isák njg fmd,sishg f;dr;=re ,eî we;ehs jd¾:d fõ'

fudjqka fofokd fidhd w;a wvx.=jg .ekSu i|yd úfYaI fmd,sia lKavdhula o fld<Ug meñK we;s nj jd¾;d fõ'

bfrdaka rKisxy fkdfyd;a tia't*a' f,dl+ úisyh yeúßÈ úfha miqjk w;r Tyqf.a ifydaorhl= jk rKisxy wdrÉÑ,df.a wis; rKisxy 24 jeks úfha miqfj;s' fudjqka iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re wef;d;a jydu <Õu we;s fmd,sia ia:dkh fj; jd¾:d lrk f,i o fmd,Sish oekqï fohs'

fï w;r tia't*a'f,dl+ fyj;a wd¾'ta' bfrdaka rKisxy keue;a;d fndfyda wh iu. ñ;% iïnkaO;d mj;ajd we;s nj ysgmq wud;H ;siai lr,sheoao uy;d mjikjd' Tyq fï nj i|yka lf<a tia't*a'f,dl+ iu. ;siai lr,sheoao uy;df.a we;s iïnkaOh ms<sn|j l< lreKq úuiSul §hs'

tia't*a'f,dl+ fyj;a wd¾'ta' bfrdaka rKisxy Tlaf;daïn¾ úisfojk od ;siai lr,sheoao uy;d iu. isák PdhdrEmhla f*ianqla .sKqug tla lrñka my; igyk o Bg fhdod ;snqKd'

"LOKU MALLI s best frind .. amathi .. Thissa Karalliyadda .... privat discution......... at his home .... last night"

wêl f,i u;ameka î isák wdldrhla olajk fï PdhdrEmh fï jk úg iudc cd, fjí wvú ;=< jvd;a l;d nyg ,laj ;sfnkjd' fï w;r tia't*a'f,dl+ we;=¿ msßi wdrlaId lrk njg t,a,jk fpdaokd iïnkaOfhkao ;siai lr,sheoao uy;df.ka úuid isáhd'

tys§ lr,shoao uy;d mjid isáfha zwms okafka kE Th tl tlaflkd fudkjd lrkjo lsh,d' wms ´jg lsis iïnkaOhla kE' wmsg udOHhg l;d lrkak nE' we;eï udOH .ek lsis úYajdihla ;shkak nE' fudlo wms lshk tajd úlD;s lr,d odkafka' udOH wdh;khg ´k lrk woyiu ;uhs odkafka wms fudkjd lsõj;a'

uf.a tfyu iïnkaOhla kE' fláfhka fok W;a;rh ;uhs Th' wms foaYmd,{fhda yeáhg iudcfha úúO wh wdY%‍ lrkjd' úúO mqoa.,fhda yïnfj,d b;ska wms ld, n,kakhe ñksiaiq .ek' okakE fka tajd' wms oeka wjqreÿ 21 - 22 foaYmd,kh lrkjd' ljodj;a uerfhda odf.kj;a" ñksiaiq ìhjoao,dj;a foaYmd,kh lr,d kEz hkqfjks'

SF f,dl+f.a ifydaorhd jk fmdä rfKaf.a PdhdrEm lsysmhla my;ska''

SF f,dl+ ysgmq wud;H ;siai lr,shoao uy;d iu.''


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