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md;d,hg mK ÿka wú
.nvd 2 la‌ jg,hs''
wú cdjdruqka we;=¿ 15la‌ udÜ‌gq''
wdñ iïm;a iy íÆfukav,a
ixLf.ka l< m%‍Yak lsÍu j,§
ish,a, judrhs''

ñksia‌ >d;k we;=¿ úúO m%ydr i|yd fld<U md;d,hg wú wdhqO iemhQ m%Odk wú .nvd folla‌ jeg¨ ;%ia‌;jd§ úu¾Yk tallh wú wdhqO f;d.hla‌ iu. Bg iïnkaO m%Odk fmf<a wú cdjdrïlrejka we;=¿ iellrejka myf<dia‌fokl= Bfha ^30 jeksod& w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

fuys§ w;awvx.=jg .;a wú wdhqO w;r à 56 .sks wú 2 la‌" ñ,s óg¾ 9 j¾.fha msia‌f;da, 3 la‌" ßfjda,ajr 3la‌" ßmSg¾ ;=jla‌l=jla‌" m;frdï ;=jla‌l=" uhsfl%da j¾.fha msia‌f;da,hla‌" wefrda.ka wúhla‌" ia‌khsm¾ .sks wúhla‌ iy úúO j¾.fha Ôj WKa‌v 3000 la‌ we;s nj ;%ia‌;jd§ úu¾Yk tallh mjihs'

fuu wdhqO cdjdrïlrejka ms<sn| uq,skau f;dr;=re ,eî we;af;a fld<U md;d,fha m%Odku fmf<a kdhlhka fofokl= nj lshk wdñ iïm;a iy íÆfukav,a ixL kue;s wmrdOlrejka fofokd w;awvx.=jg f.k m%Yak lsÍfuka wk;=rejh'

fuu md;d, l,a,sh ish m%;súreoaO md;d, l,a,sj,g m%ydr t,a, lsÍug iy ;j;a wmrdO /ilg fhdodf.k we;af;a fuu wú cdjdrïlrejka f.ka ,nd.;a ia‌jhxl%Sh wú wdhqO nj mÍla‌IKj,ska fy<sú we;'

fougf.dv pñkao kue;s md;d, kdhlhd b,la‌l lr fougf.dv uxikaêfha§ m%ydrhla‌ t,a, lsÍu i|yd wdñ iïm;a iy íÆuekav,a ixL kue;s wmrdOlrejka fhdod f.k we;af;a fuu wú cdjdrïlrejkaf.ka ,nd.;a wú wdhqO njo wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

fuu wú .nvd fol msysgd ;sî we;af;a ó.uqj iy .ïfmd< m%foaYj,h' m%xYfha isg meñKs mqoa.,hl= úiska ó.uqj m%foaYfha wú .nvdj mj;ajdf.k f.dia‌ we;s w;r md;d,hg iïnkaO ;j;a mqoa.,hl= úiska .ïfmd, m%foaYfha wú .nvdj mj;ajdf.k f.dia‌ ;sìKs'

fuu wú cdjdrïlrejka l=,S l%uhg yqjudre l%uhg iy w;amsg uqo,g wú wdhqO ,nd § we;s njo mÍla‌IKj,ska fy<sù we;'

wú cdjdrug iïnkaO ;j;a cdjdrïlrejka msßila‌ iy ;j;a wú wdhqO f;d.hla‌ w;awvx.=jg .ekSug kshñ;h'

fmd,sia‌m;s mQð;a chiqkaor uy;df.a iDcq wëla‌IKh hgf;a ;%ia‌;jd§ úu¾Yk tallfha ksfhdacH fmd,sia‌m;s kd,l o is,ajd uy;df.a fufyhùfuka iyldr fmd,sia‌ wêldßjreka jk c.;a ksYdka;" c.;a f*dkafiald" ia‌:dkdêm;s fla' tka' ´' fmf¾rd" m%Odk fmd,sia‌ mÍla‌Il rEldka; fmf¾rd" fmd,sia‌ mÍla‌Il chiqkaor" ierhkajreka jk odia‌.=ma;d" l¿fndaú, lms," fldia‌;dm,ajreka jk nKa‌vdr" wêldß" oñ;ao rdcmla‌I hk ks,OdÍka mÍla‍IK meje;ajQy'

-fyauka; rkaÿKq


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