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fldÜfÜ hg ;snqkq 
ieïiqka.a tia4 
f*daka tl mqmqr,d 

wefußldfõ fglaidia m%dka;fha  13 yeúßÈ oeßhla ish fldÜgh hg ;ndf.k isá ieïiqka S4 j¾.fha cx.u ÿrl:kh yÈisfha .sks f.k we;s nj jd¾;d fjhs'

fuhska oeßhg lsisÿ wk;=rla isÿ fkdjqko weh ksod isá fldÜgh iy weo we;sß,a, oreKq f,i ms<siaiS ;sfí'

ish  ieïiqka S4 j¾.fha cx.u ÿrl:kh wefoys ;ndf.k ksod .ekSu ish mqreoaola nj taßh,a fgd,a*%S keu;s fuu oeßh lshhs' tÈk o iqmqreÿ wdldrhg ;uka kskaog .sh nj;a ueÈhï /fha§  ;ukag lsishï fohla ms<siafik .o;a oekqk nj;a th  .Kka fkd.;a weh h<s kskaog jegqk nj;a mjid ;sfí' kuq;a miqj wjÈù  neÆúg ish cx.u ÿrl:kh ms<SiaiS ;snq nj;a weh lshhs'

fï iïnkaOfhka wehf.a mshd ieïiqka.a meñKs,s lr we;s w;r Tjqka okajd we;af;a cx.u ÿrl:kh w,ú lrk úg ,ndfok Wmfoia m;%sldfõ fuu ish¿  f;dr;=re we;=<;a njhs'tu ksid fkdl< hq;= foa fjkuu tu  m;%sldfõ oelafjk nj tu iud.u okajd ;sfí'

kuq;a fï iïnkaOfhka woyia olajd we;s wehf.a mshd ioyka lr we;af;a tu wjjdoh meyeÈ,sj ,nd§fï j.lSu wod, iud.u i;=jk njhs' ÿïjeá iud.ï  ish weiqrefuka Nd.hlau wk;=r ioyd fjka lrk nj;a" fu;rï wk;=re odhl cx.u ÿrl:k ms<snoj jeä wjOdkhlska hq;=j  meyeÈ,sj fmfkk fia wk;=re we.ùï isÿ l< hq;= nj;a wehf.a mshd mjihs'

fï wk;=r ms<snoj weußldfõ fox 4 rEmjdyskS wdh;kh ieliq ùäfhdaj my;ska krUkak

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