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msgqjy,a lrk ,o oyïf.a
ñ;=rkag ùid .ekSug n,mEï
l, úfoaY wud;HxYhg
n%s;dkHfha n,j;a wm%idoh''
fuh jd¾;d fkdlrkakehs
ckm;sf.ka udOHg n,mEï''

ckm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a mq;a oyï isßfiak we;=¿ ñ;=rka 3ka fofkl=g ùid ,nd§u mudjqks hehs mjiñka Y%S ,xld úfoaY lghq;= wud;HxYh fld<U msysá n%s;dkH uy flduidßia ld¾hd,fha n,OdÍka le|jd fya;= úuid ;sfnhs'

úfoaY lghq;= wud;HxYfha f,alï Ñ;%dx.kS jd.SIajr úiska n%s;dkH ksfhdacH uy flduidßia f,dard fâúia le|jd ckdêm;sjrhd iy wdKavqj fjkqfjka fuu oeä úfrdaOh olajd we;' tys§ tu ksfhdacH uy flduidßiajßh úfoaY lghq;= wud;HxYhg wNsfhda. fldg wehf.a oeä wm%idoh m, fldg we;'

wehg wkqj oyï isßfiak iy ñ;=rka ksjerÈ l%ufõo wkq.ukh fldg ke;s w;r tï wd¾ yikaf.a b,a,sulg oyï isßfiakg muKla ùid ,nd§ we;' wks;a ;sfokdg idudkH mámdáh wkq.ukh lr we;s w;r tys§ ;e;s .kajk iq¿ lreKlao fidhd f.k we;'

ta wkqj fuu ñ;=rka ;sfokdf.ka tla wfhl= óg miajirlg fmr n%s;dkHg we;=¿ ùu ;ykï fldg msgqjy,a l, wfhl= nj ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h úiska fidhdf.k we;' fujeks whg ùid ,nd §ug rch ueÈy;a ùu .ek Tjqkq oeä wm%idoh m, fldg we;'

tfukau ùid ,nd §u fyda fkd§u ;u rfÜ whs;shla nj weh mjid we;'

ckudOH ksoyi .ek iy woyia oelaùfï ksoyi ks;ru Woï wkk ckdêm;sjrhd fuu mqj; ckudOH j, jd¾;d fkdlrk f,i ckudOH wdh;k m%OdkSkag iy m%jD;a;s l¾;D jrekago n,mEï fldg we;ehs jd¾;d fjhs'

uE;l§ l,auqfka mej;=kq /iaùfï§o ckdêm;sjrhd oeka rfÜ ´kEu ckudOH fj§fhl= n,mEï ke;sh ´ke fohla jd¾;d l, yels nj mejiSh'



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