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olaIsK wêfõ.S ud¾.fha wêl fõ.fhka jdykhla Odjkh lsÍfï jrog ksfhdacH weue;sjrfhl=g ov m;%sldjla ksl=;a l< iqñkao iuka .=Kfiak keue;s ‍fmd,sia ks,Odßhd iy ;j;a ks,Odßfhl=g w,a,ila weho isàu yd ,nd .ekSu iïnkaOfhka w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñIka iNdj u.ska fld<U uydêlrKh yuqfõ  ^21& kvq mjrkq ,eìh'

l¿;r h;=re meÈ tallhg wkqhqla; ks,OdÍka f,i lghq;= lrñka isáh§ 2009 uehs 25 od l¿;r ls;=,dj m%dfoaYfha§ u;ameka iu. w;awvx.=jg .;a ldka;djlf.ka kS;s úfrdaë u;ameka m%udKh wvqlr igyka lsÍug w,a,ia jYfhka ‍fmd,sia fldia;dm,a iqñkao iuka iy Wm ‍fmd,sia mÍlaIl l=udr nKavdr hk ks,OdÍka remsh,a 10"000l uqo,la ,nd .;a nj fpdaokdfõ i|yka fõ'

w,a,ia fyda ¥IK fldñIka iNdj fuu meñKs,a, f.dkqlr ;snQ w;r tu fldñIka iNdj fjkqfjka iyldr kS;s wOHlaI ;=Idß ohdr;ak kS;s{jßh fmkS isáhdh' kS;s{ wkqr ueof.or uy;d wêlrKhg mjid isáfha fuu kvqj lsisÿ kS;suh lreKq u; úNd.h jkakla fkdj olaIsK wêfõ.S ud¾.fha wêl fõ.fhka r: Odjkfha fhÿKq ksfhdacH weue;sjrhdg ov fld<hla ksl=;a lsÍfï isÿùfï ÿrÈ. hdfï m%;sM,hla f,i isÿjkakla njh'

ú;a;slrejka fofokdg remsh,a 25"000 ne.ska uqo,a wem o ,laI 5 ne.ska YÍr wem 2la o ksfhda. l< fld<U uydêlrK úksiqre ,,s;a chiQßh uy;d fuu kvqj úNd.hg .ekSu iema;eïn¾ m<uqjeksodg l,a ;eìh'

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