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nd, fnfy;a f.kaj,d
uka;%SOQrfhka fkrmQ rdð;
tod bo,u ug ffjr l<d
- úchodi

bnd.df;a lg jdpd,lï fodvjkafkla leìkÜ m‍%ldYl lr we;s tlu rg ,xldjhs''

weu;s rdð; fiakdr;ak È.ska È.gu ;uka b,lal lr uv .ykafka l,l isg ;ud iu. we;s noao ffjrhla ksid hehs weu;s úchodi rdcmlaI uy;d mjihs'

1999 § rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d jerÈl/fjl= lrñka md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S OQrfhka fkrmqfõ ;uka f.dkq l< kvqjla ksid nj lS úchodi rdcmlaI uy;d wêlrKhlska uka;‍%S Oqrh wfydais lrkq ,enq furg tlu md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%sjrhd Tyq njo lshd isà'

‘rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d leìkÜ /iaùfï § yeuodu lrkafka wfkl=;a weu;sjrekag fodia lSuhs' tf,i lghq;= fkdlrkakehs ckdêm;sjrhd;a Tyqg Wmfoia § ;sfnkjd'

1994 jif¾ cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka md¾,sfïka;=jg rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d m;a lf<a j;auka w.%dud;H rks,a úC%uisxy uy;dhs' l,ska Tyq fi!LH WmfoaYl ldrl iNdfõ idudðlfhl= f,i lghq;= l<d' ta ld,fha isg Tyq hqo yuqodjg yd Tiqi,g oka; ffjoH T!IO yd WmlrK iemhqjd' miqj uka;‍%sjrhl= f,i isáh§;a ta foa l<d' úfoaYj,ska T!IO f.kajd ;‍%súO yuqodjg ,nd ÿkakd'

tys we;s jQ ÿIK .ek mjiñka Tyq uka;‍%slug iqÿiq ke;ehs uu wNshdpkdêlrKfha kvqjla f.dkq l<d' kvqfõ meñKs,slre jqfKa ä,dka fmf¾rdhs' kvqfjka Tyq je/Èlre nj Tmamqùu ksid 1999 § Tyq md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S OQrfhka fkrmkq ,enqjd'

Y%S ,xld md¾,sfïka;= b;sydifha fï jeks isoaêhlg fkrmkq ,enq tlu uka;‍%sjrhd jkafka rdð; fiakdr;akhs'

leìkÜ udOH m‍%ldYljrhd ixjrYS,s yd nqoaêu;aj l< hq;=hs' tfia fkdue;sj lg jdpd,lñka fodvjk udOH m‍%ldYljrfhla isák tlu rg ,xldj’


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