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Mar 10

rcfha Kh .ek rks,a
fkdlS l;dj fukak''
f.jkak ;sfhk Kfhka ishhg
60la hymd,k rch .sh
wjqreoafoa .;a; tajd''

rdcmla‍I‍ rch úiska ,nd.;a Kh wdmiq f.ùug ;sfnk ksid ck;dj u; nÿnr megùug isÿ jQ nj rks,a úl%uisxy mejiqj;a" uy nexl= o;a; msÍlaiSfï § fy<s jkafka uyskao rcfhka .;a Kh fkdj" fï rch n,hg m;aùfuka miq 2015 § u ish uQ,H l<ukdlrk ÿn,;d yd fkdfhla wdldr háuä .eiSï ksid ,nd.;a Kh u 2016 § f.ùug we;s iuia; Khj,ska ishhg 60la iukaú; njhs'

j;auka rch  2015 jif¾ § Y%s ,xld ixj¾Ok ne÷ïlr yryd fvd,¾ ì,shk 1l Khla .kafka h' jirlska l,a msfrk f,i ,nd .;a tu Kh fï jif¾ § f.úh hq;= h' óg wu;r j" wfma%,a - wf.dia;= w;r bkaÈhdj iu. fvd,¾ ì,shk 1'5l uqo,a yqjudre myiqlulg ,xldj t,U ;sfí'

fuu f.ùï fol muKla u 2016 jif¾ f.ùug ;sfnk uq¿ Kh uqo,ska fvd,¾ ì,shk 2'5la ;rï úYd, fldgils' miq.sho od *sÉ f¾áka.aia wdh;kh úiska l< .Kkh lsÍug wkqj wmg 2016 jif¾ § f.ùug we;s uq¿ Kh m%udKh fvd,¾ ì,shk 4ls'

fuys w¾:h l=ulao o@ fï jif¾ f.ùu‍g ;sfnk uq¿ Kh uqo,ska ishhg 60la u j;auka wdKavqj úiska jif¾ ,nd.;a Kh muKla nj h'

flfia fj;;a" j;auka rcfha Kh yd uyskao rcfha Kh w;r m%Odk fjkila ;sfí' tkï  uyskao rch úiska ,nd.;a Kh ish,a, rfÜ iuia; ixj¾Okh i|yd fhdod .;a w;r  j;auka wdKavqj Kh .;af;a todfõ, Èùug yd háuä .eiSï i|yd h' uynexl= jxpdj fuys § u. fkdyeßh hq;= ksoiqkls'

-lÓldpd¾h uyskao m;srK


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Dilrukshi's avatar

Dilrukshi · 471 weeks ago

I do not know who is telling truth,either Mr.Ranil or Mr.Pathirana while the finance minister is revealing unlisted loan of 1.5 trilliuon loan of previous government. It is unclear what truth is because everyone talk according to her or his political agenda.
Mr,Patthirana narmally write articales in favour of Mr.Rajapaksha,former president.Before few days of the presidential election he and his fellow university lecture published a survey election prediction result and he emphasised that Mr.Mahinda would easily win,with 54% but it did not happened.(5,January 2015 Rupavahini news),Then he wrote aricales on international influence from western countries. But non of which became reality
1 reply · active 471 weeks ago
Ubath yahapalanayata kade yana meeharakek..
Wenasa sapoooo 😛
Loku Aiya's avatar

Loku Aiya · 471 weeks ago

dhen ithin kiyapan Sajith tayi umbatayi lamayi neththeth mahinda hinda kiyala. Pinata pahala unu pimpiya.
තුන්හෙලේ 's avatar

තුන්හෙලේ · 471 weeks ago

රනිල පත පො*** යා මෙලෝ දෙයක් කරගන්න බැ... කාලකන්ණි මුසලය

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