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Sep 19

Akmeemana 8-year-old girl's murder : suspect died drowned in Madola -
8 yeúßÈ oeßh 
¥IKhlr urdoeuQ 
mdm;rhd wmrdOh 
i|yd fhdod.;a 
we÷ï fmkaùug 
hdfïÈ udfodf<a 
.s,S ureg

mskak¥fõ 8 yeúßÈ oeßhl ¥IKh lr wehf.a f., ,kqjlska isrlr urdoud f;a j;a;lg f.k;a oeuQ nj lshk 27 yeúßÈ wi,ajeis ielldr ;reKhd ^18& rd;%S udfod<g mek fíÍ m<dhdug W;aidy lsÍfï§ Èfha .s<S ñhf.dia ;sfí' iellre wmrdOh i|yd fhdod.;a we÷ï fmkaùug hdfïÈ udfod<g mek fíÍ m<dhdug W;aidy ord we;ehs fmd,sish lshhs'

tu wjia:dfõ§ iellre fírd .ekSug .sh wlaóuk fmd,sisfha ks,OdÍka fofofkl= o j;=r fmùu ksid .d,a, lrdmsáh frday,g we;=<;a lr we;' 27 yeúßÈ .dñKs l=udr iurùr keue;s tu iellre wo miajrefõ fmd,sish úiska w;awvx.=jg .kq ,enqfõ frdls keue;s iqkLhdf.a bj wkQj W! iellref.a ksjfia ldurfha we| <.gu f.dia kej;Su ksidh' 

w;awvx.=jg m;aùfuka miq iellre ;uka isÿl< wmrdOh .ek fmd,Sishg mdfmdÉpdrKhla o lr ;sfí' Bfha oyj,a ish jeäuy,a fidfydhqßh iu. mdi,a f.dia ksjig meñ”fuka miq tlS oeßh mdm;rhdf.a f.dÿr njg m;aj ;snqKs' 

ta jeäuy,a fidfydhqßh o wu;r mx;shlg iyNd.sùug ksjiska msg;aj hdfuka wk;=rejh' 
uj o¿ fk<kakshl nj;a" mshd fmof¾refjl= nj;a lshk fuu oeßh úiQ mjq, m%foaYfha È<s÷ mjq,la nj fmd,sish lshhs' 

wmrdOh jk úg uõmshkao ksjfia fkdisg we;s w;r mdm;rhd oeßhg w;jr lr wk;=rej ,kqjlska f., isrlr urd oud f;a mÿrhla hgg f.k f.dia ;snqfKa fmdf<dj kqyq,kd wmrdOhla jix lrùfï wáfhka úh yelsh' 

flfia jqjo uõmshka ksjig meñ”fuka miq ish orejd ijia jk ;=re olakg fkd,enqKq fidúka fmd,Sishg f.dia meñKs,a,la lr ;snqKs' 

ta wkQj wlaóuk fmd,Sisfha ks,OdÍka meñK mÍlaIK weröfuka miq f;a mÿrla wi< oud ;snQ mskakÿj" udfod<" lgqfmd,aj;af;a foauqks mQcks yika;s ,xld;s,l keue;s 8 yeúßÈ l=vd oeßhf.a isrer Bfha rd;%Sfhau fidhd.kakd ,§' 

fuu iellref.a mshd Ôj;=ka w;r fkdue;s nj;a" uj Tyqf.a ifydaoßhlf.a ksjfia fjfik nj;a" mejfik w;r Tyq isg we;af;a wdÉÑ <. njo lshefõ' 

iïnkaê; mqj;a
wlaóuk 8 yeúßÈ oeßhf.a >d;lhska fidhd fmd,sia mÍlaIK
wg yeúßÈ oeßh ¥IKh lr urd oeuQ mdm;rhd fmd,sia ks< iqkLfhl=f.a bj Tiafia w;awvx.=jg

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