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Sep 19

15 ISIS members arrests in Australia  -
´iafÜ‍%,shdfõ isÿl< 
jeg,Sï j,ska .sks wú 
iu. ISIS ;%ia;hka 
15 w;awvx.=jg

ck;dj ìhm;a lsÍfï wruqKska isÙks kqjr ùÈhl§ m‍%isoaêfha mqoa.,fhl= ysi .id urKhg m;alsÍug ie<iqï lr,d

´iafÜ‍%,shdfõ isâks yd n%siafíka k.r j, miq.shod wÆhï iufhys isÿl< yÈis jeg<Sï lsysmhlska wka;jd§ lKavdhï yd iïnkaO hehs ielflfrk mqoa.,hska 15 fofkl=" uqo,a f;d.hla yd .sks wú iu. w;awvx.=jg .;a nj ´iafÜ‍%,shd wdrlaIl wxY lshhs' fuu fufyhqu ´iafÜ‍%,shd b;sydifha m‍%:u uyd mßudK jeg<Su f,i ie<fla'

w;awvx.=jg .;a wka;jd§ whstiawhstia ixúOdkh yd iïnkaOlï we;a;jqka nj ioykah' ´iafÜ‍%,shd cd;slhska 60 la muK whstiawhstia ;‍%ia; ixúOdkhg ne§ brdlfha yd isßhdfõ wka;jd§ ls‍%hd j, kshe<S isák w;r tu ´iafÜ‍%,shd cd;slhska ixúOdkhg nojd .;af;ahehs ie<flk mqoa.,hdo w;awvx.=jg .;a wh w;r isák nj wdrlaIl wxY mjihs'

lKavdhfï uy fud<lre hehs y÷kdf.k we;s mqoa.,hd ´iafÜ‍%,shdfõ ck;dj ìhm;a lsÍfï wruqKska isÙks kqjr ùÈhl§ m‍%isoaêfha mqoa.,fhl= ysi .id urKhg m;alsÍug ie<iqï lr ;sî we;ehso mejfia'

fï ioyd fhdod.ekSug isá w;súYd, lvqjlao ;u Ndrhg .ekSug wdrlaIl wxY lghq;= lr we;'

fujka jeg<Sï È.gu isÿlrk nj  ´iafÜ‍%,shd n<OdÍka lshhs'

w.ue;s fgdaks wefndÜo m‍%ldYhla ksl=;a lrñka mjid we;af;a  ´iafÜ‍%,shdfõ wka;jd§kag ysi tiùug bv fkdfok njhs' fuksidu rfÜ wjodkï ;;a;ajh idudkH uÜgfï isg w;sYh wjodkï uÜgu olajd by< oud ;sfnk nj Tyq jeäÿrg;a lshd we;'

ta wkqj .=jkaf;dgqm,"fmdÿ ia:dk wd§fhys wdrlaIdj ;r lsÍug lghq;= lr we;s w;r wjeis úfgl§ fidaÈis fufyhqï isÿlsÍug" iellghq;= mqoa.,hska w;awvx.=jg .ekSug fmd,sishg yd wdrlaIl wxY j,g n,h ;sfí'

fuu jeg<Sï wdrïN lsÍug uq,a jQfha iufha ;=¾lshg yd fjk;a wrdì rgj,g fldaá .Kka uqo,a wh:d f,i hjd yiqjQ  ´iafÜ‍%,shd cd;slfhla iïnkaO isÿùulsks' Tyqg ;uka uqo,a hejQfha ldygoehs f;dr;=re bÈßm;a lsÍug fkdyelsjQ w;r tksid Tyqf.a jHdmdrhka uqo%d ;eîug;a Tyqj isr.; lsÍug;a wêlrKh ksfhda. lf<ah'

fuh;a iu. wka;jd§ka fidhd jeg<Sï wdrïN lsÍug wdrlaIl wxY lghq;= l< w;r oekqï§ulska f;drj isÿflfrk yÈis jeg<Sï tajdhska uq,a ;ek f.k we;'


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