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mD;=úfhka ie;mqï 260 l ÿßka  msysá cd;Hka;r wNHjldY uOHia:dkhl§ fidhd.;a W,ald lene,s wxYq j, isá vhgu Ôù úfYaI yd fmdf<dkakrej wr,.xú,g lvd jegqKq W,aldmd; j, iÔù vhgu ðù úfYaI tl iudk nj;a mD;=úfhka Tífnys Ôjhla mj;sk njg  m%n, idlalshla ,eîfuka Y%S ,xldjg cd;Hka;rj ms<s.ekSula ,efnk nj;a tka.,ka;fha nlsxyeï úYaj úoHd,hfha ;drld wxYfha  wOHlaI uydpd¾h pkao%d úl%uisxy uy;d ialhs*a ;dlaIKh Tiafia mejeiSh' vhgu hkq tal ffi, we,a.S j¾.hls' tajdfha fmdis, ;ekam;= o fidhdf.k we;'

fmdf<da uÜgfï isg lsf,daóg¾ 400l ÿßka msysá cd;Hka;r wNhjldY uOHia:dkfha msßisÿ lsÍfï ksr;ù isá reishdkq ..k.dóka fofkl= yg 19 jeksod fï W,aldYau lene,s wxYQ yuq ù we;' Tjqka fï lene,s wxYq j, Ôjhla mj;sk nj;a tys uqyqÿ ma,jdx. iys; iðù vhgu ldKavfha Ôùka fjfik nj;a cd;Hka;r udOHg lreKq olajd we;'

jdhq ßla;hla mj;sk wjldYfha bÈ l< cd;Hka;r wNHjldYfha ;sî yuq ù we;s W,aldYauhkaf.a mj;sk Ôù fldgiaj, yd wr,.xú, W,aldYaufha mj;sk ðùfldgiaj, iudk nj bÈßfhaÈ cd;Hka;r udOHg ,nd fok nj;a uydpd¾h úl%uisxy mejiSh'

wêl >k WIaK;ajhla mj;sk wNHjldY uOHia:dkfha  cfka,hl /È uqyqÿ ma,djxy iys; W,aldYaóh wxY= j,ska reishdj úYaùh Ôúh ms<sn ,enq kj fidhd.ekSula f,i yqjd olajhs'
2012 foieïn¾ 29 jeksod fmdf<dkakrefjka wr,.xú,g m;s; jq W,aldYaufha uqyqÿ ma,jdx. olskakg ,eîu iqúfYaIs lreKla nj f,dal úoHd{hskaf.a lñgqfõ fukau cd;Hka;r úoHd;aul i`.rdfõo óg fmr i|yka jq nj uydpd¾h úl%uisxy uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

cd;Hka;rj mD;=úhg;a tmsg Ôjhla mj;sk njg W,aldYau u.ska uq,skau fidhd .ekSu Y%S ,xldjg lS¾;shla nj uyskao rdcmlaI ckm;s o jr uydpd¾h úl%uisxy uy;d furgg meñKs wjia:dfõ§ m%ldY lf<ah'

kdid wdh;kfha m%lg ;drld úoHd{ uydpd¾h ßp¾â î yqj¾ uy;d o ,xldjg m;s; jq W,aldYaufha Ôjhla mj;sk nj;a tys§ fidhd.;a vhgu ldKavfha Ôù úfYaI reishdkq ..k.dóka fidhd.;a W,aldYau wxYqj, vhgu Ôù fldgia yd iudk nj  Y%S ,xld ;drld úoHd{ ^wms tluq;=fjys& iNdm;s ffjoH m¾fhaIK wdh;kfha úoHd{ lS¾;s úl%ur;ak uy;dg okajd we;' NASA scientist claims that extra-terrestrial life exists proof in Sri Lanka

NASA scientist claims that extra-terrestrial life exists proof in Sri Lanka

NASA scientist claims that extra-terrestrial life exists proof in Sri Lanka

NASA scientist claims that extra-terrestrial life exists proof in Sri Lanka

NASA scientist claims that extra-terrestrial life exists proof in Sri Lanka

NASA scientist claims that extra-terrestrial life exists proof in Sri Lanka

NASA scientist claims that extra-terrestrial life exists proof in Sri Lanka

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