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msáka msßñhd we;=f,ka 
.eyekshla - mqreI 
,sxf.akaøhla yd ia;%S 
m%ckl moaO;shla

ia;%S yd mqreI , moaO;s fol u msysá oaú, mqoa.,hl= Ökfhka yuqù we;' jhi wjqreÿ 44 l újdylhl= jQ Tyq ;u nfâ wudrejlg m%;sldr .ekSug ish ìß| iu. ffjoHjrhd yuqjQ wjia:djl § fï nj fy<sù ;sfí'

Ökfha Isðka m<df;a Ôj;ajk fï mqoa.,hd ffjoH mÍlaIKhlg Ndckh l< úg fmkSf.dia we;af;a Tyq mqreI ,sxf.akaøhla yd ia;%S m%ckl moaO;shla msysgd we;s njhs'
Tyq ish ìß| iu. jir 10la muK wUq ieñhka f,i .;ler ;sfí'ffjoHjre mjikafka Tyqf.a ckfkakaøsh wfkla mqreIhkag jvd ;rula fjkia iajrEmhla .kakd njhs'

Ökfha hqkaÊleka.a ys *iaÜ mSm,aia frday,   m%ldYlhl= lshd isáfha fpka kue;s fï mqoa.,hd ia;%shla hehs lsj fkdyels njhs' msßñkaf.a we÷ï w¢ñka fldKavh fldgg lmd isák fï mqoa.,hd ia;%shla f,i fkdfmfkhs'

Tyq ffjoHjrekag mjid we;af;a ;ud ks;ru la,dka; .;shlska fm¿Kq njhs' tfuka u ish fomd yd uqyqK ks;ru bÈfuk iajrEmhla jQ nj o fyf;u lshd we;' uq;%d iuÕ reêrh msgùu fya;=fjka hï jrola we;ehs nj o Tyq mjihs'

Tyqf.a Worfha .¾NdIh iy äïN fldaI o msysgd we;s nj iSà mßlaIKhlska ;yjqre lerf.k we;' j¾Kfoay mÍlaId lsÍfï § Tyqg we;af;a ia;%S j¾Kfoay nj o ;yjqre ù we;ehs ffjoHjre lsh;s' ffjoH u;h jkafka fï wdldrfha wka;¾ , ñksiqka W;amdokfhka ia;%Ska jqj o ldhslj msßñka fuka l%shd lrk njhs' fudjqka oaú,sx.slfhdah' Tjqyq äïn iy Y=l%dKq folu ksmoj;s'

flfia fj;;a fpka wm;skau wêjDlal w;sma,diaóh;dj keue; m%fõ‚.; frda.fhka fmf<k nj;a fï fya;=fjka mqreI , fydafudak uÜgu by< hk nj o oek.kakg we;'

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