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uq¿ rfgkau cx.u ÿrl;kh
ksjerÈj mdúÉÑ lrkafka ckm;s
ffu;‍%s muKhs''
Tyq isxÿ wykak" bkag¾fkÜ hkak"
f*aia nqla hkak lsisod cx.u
ÿrl;kh Ndú;d lrkakE''
rgu Tyqf.ka W.; hq;=hs''

ksjerÈj cx.u ÿrl:k Ndú;d lrkafka flfiaoehs ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a wdo¾Y .; hq;= nj weu;s uyskao wurùr uy;d wud;HdxYfha§ mej;s idlÉPdjl§ lshd isáfhah'

weu;sjrhd tfia lshd isáfha idlÉPdjg iyNd.Sj isá wfhl=f.a cx.u ÿrl:k ksrka;rfhka kdo ùu ksid idlÉPdj mj;ajdf.k hdug ndOd ùu ksidh'

;uka okakd f,i furg cx.u ÿrl:kh ksjerÈj Ndú; lrk tlu mqoa.,hd ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d hhso lS weu;sjrhd fi!LH wud;Hjrhd f,i isáh§o ld¾hd,hg meñKs miq cx.u ÿrl:kh úikaê lrk nj;a ksjfia isáh§;a tfia lrk nj;a lSh'

ckdêm;sjrhd ÿrl;kh Ndú;d lrkafka fmdf<dkakrefõ isg fld<U tk w;r;=r;a" ks, ksjdifha isg ld¾hd,hg tk w;r;=r;a muKhs hhso wurùr uy;d ioyka lf,ah'

ckdêm;sjrhd .S; wykak" wka;¾cd,hg hkak" uqyqKqfmd;g hkak wdÈhg cx.u ÿrl;kh ksisod Ndú;d fkdlrk njo lS weu;sjrhd rfÜ ish¨ ck;dj ksjerÈj cx.u ÿrl:kh Ndú; lrk wdldrh .ek ckdêm;s;=udf.ka bf.k .; hq;= hhso lshd isáfhah'


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