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.=re jD;a;sh;a ydkais
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iqiqÿlï ke;s isiqka úoHd
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widOdrKhg ,lajQ .=re isiqka úYd, msßila udkj ysñlï hhs''

2018 jif¾ .=re mqrmamdvq msrùu ioyd m%dofYSh f,alï fldaGagdi uÜgfuka .=/ isiqka f;dard .ekSfï§ ;ukg n,j;a widOdrKhla isÿù we;s nj isiqka msßila mjihs'

foaYmd,k ys;j;alï u; iqiqÿlï ke;s fndfyda msßila f;dardf.k we;s neúka iqiqÿlï ish,a, imqrd we;s úYd, isiqka msßilf.a wjia:dj wysñù we;s nj widOdrKhg ,lajQfjda lshd isá;s'

úYaj úoHd, jrï ,enqKo th w;ryer oud úoHd mSG n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka isá isiqyqo fuf,i widOdrKhg ,lajQjka w;r isák njhs mejfikafka'

by< iqÿiqlï imqrd we;s isiqka úYd, msßila foaYmd,{hkaf.a ´kE tmdlï u; fuf,i widOdrK f,i lmd yer we;s w;r ;ukag idOdrKhla bgq lr fok f,i b,a,d 11 jkod udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdjg meñKs,s lrk njo Tjqka jeäÿrg;a mjihs'

f;dard .ekSï j,§ widOdrK f,i ye,S .sh Èjhsk mqrd isák ish¿u isiqkag wfm%a,a 11 WoEik 10g fnd/,a, udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdj wi,g mefuKk f,i b,a,d isák njo Tjqka mjihs'

fï ioyd ,xld .=re fiajd ix.ufha iyfhda.ho ;ukag ,efnk nj widOdrKhg ,lajQ .=re isiqka jeä ÿrg;a mjihs'


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