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mjqf,a wh ysf¾ od,d uf.a
.uk k;r lrkak nE''
tf;la fu;la ish¿ jd¾;d ì|
ouñka .e¨ uyd ck .xÕdj
wu;ñka uyskao lshhs''
PdhdrEm yd ùäfhda

taldnoao úmla‍Ih úiska Bfha Èk fld<U yhsâ msáfha§ mej;s zzckigkzz úfrdaO;d /<shg w;s úYd, msßila iyNd.S úh' tu /,sh mej;s yhsÙ msáh iy ta wjg ish¿ ud¾. ck;djf.ka msÍ mej;sks'

/<sfha wka;¾cd, úldYho uE;l§ jd¾;dl, jeäu iÔù krUkka m‍%udKhla fmkaùh' we;eï wjia:dj, oi oyil msßila wka;¾cd,h Tiafia iÔùj f,dj mqrd msßila tu /<sh keröh'

tys§ /<sh wu;ñka ysgmq ckdm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d lshd isáfha ;uka n,hg m;a jk úg rg wdydr w¾nqohlg" iqkdñ jHikhlg" f;,a w¾nqohlg" wdydr w¾nqohlg iy ;%ia;jd§ w¾nqohlg uqyqK md ;snQ njh'

flfia jqjo tjeks ;;a;ajhla hgf;a mjd úfoaY rgj,a u; hemSfuka je<lS rg iy,ska ixj¾Okh lsÍug iy t,a'à'à'Bh úkdY lr oeóug iu;a jQ njo ck;djg ,ndÿka iykdOdr lmamdÿ fkdl< njo mejiSh'

j;auka wdKavqj jirla we;=<; Kh úYd, m%udKhla f.k we;s nj;a" tu .;a Khj,ska lsisÿ ixj¾Okhla lr ke;s nj;a" lSfõh'

tfiau ish mjqf,a idudðlhka isr.; lrkq ,enqjo ;u foaYmd,k .uk k;r l< fkdyels njo ta uy;d mejiSh'


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