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udÿ¿jdfõ fidaNs; ysñ wmj;aùu
ie,iqï l, >d;khla''
zzwdkkao yduqÿrejfka wmg jerÿkd'
wms /jgqkdzz fidaNs; ysñ lsõjd''
lsisfj;= fkdo;a wìryia
f;dr;=re /ila t<shg ths''

wmj;a ù jod, fldaÜfÜ Y‍%S kd. úydrdêm;s mQcH udÿ¿jdfõ fidaNs; ysñhkaf.a wmj;aùu >d;khla njg ;yjre l, yels lreKq rdYshl we;s nj fld<U§ udOH wu;ñka uqre;af;Ügqfõ wdkkao" we,af,a .=KjxY" Wvqfõ Oïudf,dal hk ysñjreka lshd isáhy'

fï ksid ta ms<sn|j mÍla‍Id lsÍu i|yd ckdêm;s fldñiula m;a lrkakehso Wka jykafia,d b,a,d isáhy'

frda.d;=rj isá tysñhka neye oelSug ;uka .sh wjia:dfõ§ zzwdkkao yduqÿrejfka wmg jerÿkd' wms /jgqkdzz lS njo uqre;af;Ügqfõ wdkkao ysñfhda tys§ lshd isáhy'

fuys§ woyia oelajQ Wvqfõ Oïudf,dal ysñfhda lshd isáfha rgg" cd;shg" iïnqoaO Ydikhg wNsfhda. meñKs iEu úgu fkdìhj fmrg meñK Bg tfrysj kdhl;ajh ÿka udÿ¿jdfõ fidaNs; kdysñhkaf.a yÈis wmj;aùu uyd l=uka;%Khl m%;sM,hla‌ njhs'

fidaNs; kdysñhkaf.a wmj;aùu iïnkaOfhka oeä iel ixld u;=lrk lreKq ldrKd /ila‌ mj;sk neúka úfYaI{ oekqu we;s mqoa.,hkaf.ka iukaú; úfYaI fldñiula‌ m;alr fuu urKfha i;H f;dr;=re fy<sorõ lrk f,i wdKa‌vqfjka b,a,d isák njo Wkajykafia i|yka l<y'

fldñiu m;al<fyd;a ;uka jykafia we;=¿ Nsla‍IQka jykafia,d i;=j we;s ;yjqre l< yels f;dr;=reo ish,a, ,nd§ug iQodkï hEhso Oïudf,dal ysñfhda lSh'

fidaNs; ysñhka wmj;a ùug ál Èklg fmr ;u úydria‌:dkhg jevu l< nj lS Oïudf,dal ysñfhda rg .ek wm%udK lïmkfhka tys§ o l;d l< njo iqj jQ miqj uu isÿjQ je/oao ksjerÈ lrkjd hEhso fidaNs; ysñ lshd isá njo Oïudf,dal ysñfhda mejiQy'

fidaNs; kdysñhka l=uk fj,djlj;a wikSm ksid ÿ¾j, fkdjQ njo fuu ie;aluo id¾:lj isÿ lr ;snQ njo bkamiqj Wkajykafia iqfjka isá njo Oïudf,dal ysñfhda mejiQy'

fidaNs; kdysñhkaf.a wmj;aùu ms<sn|j we;s ielh ms<sn|j m%ldYhla‌ l< úg ta .ek i;H fkdfidhd Bg úreoaOj kdhl ysñjrekaf.ka m%ldY ,ndf.k isoaêh hg .eiSug wdKa‌vqfõ by< mqoa.,hka W;aidy lrk njo Wkajykafia mejiQy' tfia fkdlr jydu isoaêh ms<sn|j fldñiula‌ u.ska i;H f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lrf.k rgg fy<sorõ lrk f,io Wvqfõ Oïudf,dal ysñfhda wdKa‌vqfjka b,a,d isáhy'


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