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ck;d fiajhg .sh uka;%Sjre
jdyk n,m;%‍h úl=Kd fydr
mdfrka udfig ,laI 3la
fydhk yeá''

md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrekag ysñjk wfußldkq fvd,¾ 62"500la jQ ;Sre nÿ rys; jdyk n,m;%h i|yd fï jkúg .eKqïlrejka n,d isákafka remsh,a ,laI 180 lg;a jvd ,kaiq ;nñks'

.eKqïlrejka fï ;rugu ;Sre nÿ rys; jdyk n,m;% foi f.k isákafka cd;sh f.dvke.Sfï noao"tl;= l< w.h u; noao iy jrdh yd .=jkaf;dgqm< .dia;= muKla nÿ f,i Bg f.úh hq;= ksihs'

fuf,i md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrekag ysñjk jdyk n,m;%h wf,újk njg fyd|u idlaIsh imhkafkao md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjßhls'

.d,a, Èia;%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sks .S;d l=udrisxy uy;añh mjikafka jdyk m¾ñÜ b,a,ñka we;euqka ;uka miqmi o tk njhs'

fndfyda uka;%Sjre ;ukaf.a jdyk n,m;%h wf,ú lrk w;r Bg fyd| fj<|m, jákdlula we;s nj jdyk n,m;%hla fiùfï fhÿKq mqoa.,fhl= iy jdyk wdkhkh lrk wdh;khl ysñlrefjl= w;r we;sjQ fï ÿrl:k ixjdofhka meyeÈ,s jkjd'

fuu jdyk n,m;%hla uka;%Sjrfhl=g jir mylg jrla ysñjk w;r th Tyq úiska wf,ú l<fyd;a uilg bka Tyq ,nd we;s wdodhu ,laI 3la jkjd'

óg wu;rj uka;%Sjrfhl=g ysñjk ;j;a kS;Hdkql+, §ukd /ils'

md¾,sfïka;= /iaùug iyNd.Sùu fjkqfjka f.jk meñKSfï §ukdj Èklg remsh,a 20"000 olajd by< oeófï fhdackdjlao miq.shod bÈßm;a jQ w;r jhs*hs iy wka;¾cd, myiqlï i|yd wu;r remsh,a 10"000 la ,nd§ug o  ld¾hd,hla i|yd remsh,a 75"000la ,nd§ug o miq.shod fhdackd jqKd'

fï w;r md¾,sfïka;=j fkdmeje;afjk Èkj, /iaùï i|yd remsh,a 4000la o jHjia:dodhl iNd /iaùula i|yd remsh,a 2500la o ,nd§ug ;jÿrg;a fhdackd ù ;sfnkjd'

fï wkqj n,k úg ue;s weu;sjre ishÆ §ukd ,nñka ;Sre nÿ rys; jdyk n,m;%h úlsKSu;a iu. Tjqka ,nk udisl wdodhu iq¿mgq fkdjk nj meyeÈ,sh'



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