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ijqÈ wrdìh" brdk ;dkdm;s
ks,Odßka ráka mkakhs''
forfÜ in|;d wjika''

brdkfha ijqÈ wrdì ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,hg t,a,jQ m‍%ydrh iu. forg w;r ;dkdm;s in|;d ì| oeóug ijqÈ wrdìh úiska mshjr f.k we;'

udOH yuqjla wu;ñka ijqÈ úfoaY wud;H wfv,a w,a cqndhs¾ ksfhda. lr we;af;a brdk rdcH;dka;‍%sl ks,OdÍka yd wod< msßia meh 48la ;=< ish ráka bj;aúh hq;= njhs'

brdk ;dkdm;sjrhd le|jd fuh oekqïÿka njo wud;Hjrhd mjid ;sfí'

ijqÈ wrdìh úiska m‍%uqL fmf<a Ishd mQclfhl= jQ ksï¾ w,a ksï¾g urK o`vqju ,nd§u iu. l=ms; jQ brdk jeishka msßila fgfyrdkfha ijqÈ ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,hg m‍%ydrhla t,a, lr ;sfí'

ksï¾ w,a ksï¾ iu. ;j;a mqoa.,hska 47 fofkl= ysi .id fyda fjä ;nd >d;kh lr we;s w;r 1980 jifrka wk;=rej tla Èkl§ urK o`=vqjug ,lajQ jeäu m‍%udKh fuhhs'

bka isõfofkl= muKla w,a lhsvd ;‍%ia;jd§ka jk w;r mQcl ksï¾ yd ;j;a Ishd ksldhslhska ;sfofkl= ijqÈ wrdìfha iq¿;r Ishd uqia,sïjreka w;r fkdikaiqka;d we;slsÍu ms<sn|j fpdaokd ,en isáhy'

jhUÈ. brdkfha uIaydÙys msysgd we;s ijqÈ fldkai,a ld¾hd,hgo m‍%ydrhla t,a,ù we;ehs mejfia'

fgfyrdkfha ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,hg t,a,jQ fmg‍%,a fndaïn fya;=fjka weú< .sh Yd,d .sks cd,djlska tu f.dvke.s,a, jeiS mej;=Kq nj mejfia'

flfiafj;;a brdkh mjid we;af;a fuu m‍%ydrfhka lsisÿ ijqÈ ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, ks,Odßhl=g ydkshla isÿ fkdjQ njhs'


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