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f*aianqla fmïj;d je/§ulska
fmïj;shf.a ujf.a ldurhg
cfka,fhka ßx.,d''
fukak zzñks urKfjdazz hehs
uj lE.y,d''

;u fmïj;shf.a ldurh hehs is;d wehf.a ujf.a ldurhg cfka,fhka mek .=á lE fmïj;l= ms<sn|j jd¾;d fõ'

Tjqka uqK.eiS we;af;a uqyqKq fmf;ka' ál l,lska uqyqKq fmdf;ka uefiaÊ lr Tjqka fmïj;=ka ù we;' miqj tlsfkld fkdoel isàug neß ;rug fma‍%uh ÿrÈ. f.dia ;sfí' miqj l;sld lr.;a mßÈ weh yuqùug Èkhla fjkalr .;a; o wehg f.oßka msgùug wjir fkdue;s ksid uqK .eiSug fkdyels ù we;'

wehg f.oßka msgùug wjir fkd§ug fya;=jo weh uqyqKq fmdf;a oyfodf<dia fofkl= uqK .eiSug f.dia wiqùu ksidh' ta jkúg;a wehg uqyqKq fmdf;a msßñ ñ;=rka y;r mia fofkla isá w;r Tjqkaf.ka oy fodf<dia fofkl= weh uqK .eiSug meñK ;sfí'

isoaêh jQ Èkfha o wehg wu;l ù fjk;a uqyqKq fmdf;a ñ;=frl=g o ksjeishka kskaog .sh miq báfrÈ wdjrKh l< cfka,fhka wehf.a ldurhg tk f,i okajd ;sfí' kshñ; ;reKhd m%S;sfhka wef.a ksji wi,g meñK wehf.a cx.u ÿrl;khg weu;=ula ,ndf.k we;'

wu;l ù wo Èkfha meñKSug mejiQ nj u;la jQ wehg foúhka isys úh' miqj weh l,amkd lr jro Tyq msg mejÍug is;d wehf.a ujf.a ldurfha cfka,h .ek Tyqg mjid we;'

i;=gq is;ska bá frÈ wdjrKh jQ cfk,a ljq¿fjka ldurhg mek fmïj;shf.a ksod isá uj wi,g l¿jf¾u meñK zzuu wdjdzz hhs mjid we;' túg fmïj;shf.a uj zzfukak ñks urKfjdazz hehs lE .id we;'

cfk,a ljq¿fjka wdmiq mekak fmïj;d wi, jQ ,kaolg uqjd ù isg isoaêh ixiqka jQ miq ysñysg udre jqKd¨'



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