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u.Skaf.a Ôú; fírd.ekSug
wk;=rl § folg lefvk hdkhla''
PdhdrEm yd ùäfhda

.=jka hdkhla lvd jefgk wjia:djl § tys u.Skaf.a Èú fírd.; yel .=jka hdkhla ms<sno ixl,amhla f,dalhg bÈßm;a lr we;'

fï kj ixl,amfhka bÈßm;a lr we;af;a by< wyfia mshdir lrk .=jka hdkhla yÈis wjia:djl § lvd jeàfï fyda fjk;a fya;=jla ksid úkdY ù hdfï wjOdkula we;s wjia:djl § u.Ska isák fldgi .,jd bj;alr merIqÜ wdOdrfhka ìug jeàug ie<eiaùuhs'

woyi bÈßm;a lrk bxðfkrejka mjikafka fï ixl,amh .=jka u.Ska fírd.ekSfï jvd;a id¾:l l%‍uhla jkq we;s njhs'

oekg wNHdjldY .uka j, § frdlghlska u.Ska iys; hdkd fjka lsÍfï ;dlaIKh fï ioyd fhdod .ekSug wfmalaIs;h hdkfha u.Ska isák fldgfia m;a, rn¾ fhdod ksIamdokh lsÍug;a tu.ska fmdf<djg m;s;jk wjia:djl § we;sjk lïmkh wjulsÍug;a uqyqog m;s;jkafka kï uqyqÿ c,;, u; mdùfï yelshdj we;s lsÍug;a fhdackd lr we;'

u.S ueÈßfha by< iúlr we;s úYd, merIqÜ yÈis wjia:djl § tu ueÈßh fjkal< úg l%shd;aljk wdldrfhka fï ixl,amh bÈßm;a lr we;' bÈß jir lsysmfha § fujeks .=jka hdkd ksIamdokh lr u.S m%‍jdykh ioyd tlalsÍug kshñ;h'

ixl,amh bÈßm;a lrk .=jka hdkd ;dlaIKsl bxðfkare õ,eäó¾ ggfrkaflda yd ,sõ,Sla hk fofokd mjikafka fuf;la isÿjQ .=jka wk;=rej,ska u.Ska úYd, jYfha ñ o bÈßfha § fï ixl,amh l%shd;aul lsÍu;a iu. urK wjulr .ekSug yels njhs'


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