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z;jqysoa cudoaz wka;jd§
kdhlhd ,xldjg''
wksoaod úfYaI foaYKhla''
wkq.‍%yh hymd,k rcfhka
- widoa id,s fy,s lrhs''

furgg meñKSu ;ykï lr we;s Nhdkl bia,dóh wka;jdÈfhl= jk ;õySoa cud;a ixúOdkfha m%Odks zchskq,a wdí§kaz hymd,k rcfha wkq.‍%yfhka furgg f.kajd wksoaod Èkfha iq.;odi C%Svdx.Kfha§ foaYKhla meje;aùug iQodkula we;s nj m<d;a iNd uka;‍%S widoa id,s mjihs'

fuu mqoa.,hd 2005 § furgg meñ”ug iQodkï fjoa§ uqia,sï m%cdj ueÈy;a ù Tyqj ráka mkakd oeuQ nj;a j;auka hymd,k wdKavqfõ wkque;sh we;sj Tyq kej; jrla rgg f.kaùug iQodkïjk nj;a ,nk 8 jeksod iq.;odi l%Svdx.Kfha§ tu mqoa.,hdf.a foaYkhla meje;aùug wjYH ish¿ lghq;= oekgu;a iQodkïj we;s nj;a thg uqia,sï lghq;= fomd¾;fïka;=fõ o wkque;sh ysñj ;sfnk nj;a widoa id,s jeä ÿrg;a m%ldY lrkjd'

nqÿka jykafia ukS uia je<ÿjdhehs wmydi lf<ao fuu ;õySoa cud;a bia,dóh ixúOdkfha ,xldfõ m%Odkshdhs' ,xldj mqrd idïm%Odhsl bia,dóh weoys,sj,g ndOd lrñka uqia,sï m%cdj ;=<o iyÔjkhg ndOd lrñka fuu ixúOdkh lghq;= lrñka isák nj mejfik w;r nrm;, bia,dóh uQ,O¾ujdÈ ixúOdkhla f,i yÿkdf.k we;s neúka nx.a,dfoaYh ;=<o fuu wka;jd§ l,a,sh ;ykï lr ;sfnkjd' ;õySoa cud;a bia,dóh ixúOdkh ,xldj ;=< fufyhjkafka ßIdoa nÈhqoa§ka weu;sjrhd njo m%lg lreKla'

fuu wka;.dó ixúOdkh ms<snoj rdcH nqoaê wxY u.ska rcfha m%OdkSkag okajd ;sfnk w;r fï iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;sjrhd iy w.ue;sjrhd mqoa.,slj oekqj;a lsÍug o ;uka lghq;= l< nj widoa id,s m%ldY lrkjd' hï fyhlska fuu wka;jd§ l,a,s kdhlhdg ,xldjg meñKSug bv ,nd È rg ;=< hï m%Yakhla f.dvke.=fKd;a Bg rks,a úl%uisxy rch j.lsj hq;= njgo Tyq wjOdrKh lrkjd'


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