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224lg ure le|jñka wk;=rgm;a
reishdkq u.S .=jkahdkhg
whs tia ;%ia;hska myr fok
ùäfhdaj wka;¾cd,hg tlalrhs''
PdhdrEm yd ùäfhda

mqoa.,hka 224 fofkl=g ure le|jñka Bðma;=fõ iskdhs m<df;a l÷lr m%foaYhl§ wk;=rg ,lajQ reishdjg wh;a KGL9268 orK u.S .=jka hdkhg m%ydrhla t,a, l< nj IS bia,dï rdcH wka;jd§yq mji;s'

IS bia,dï rdcHhg tfrysj reishdj isÿlrk .=jka m%ydrj,ska isßhdfõ ish .Kka uqia,sïjre Ôú;laIhg m;ajk nj mjiñka fuu m%ydrh t,a, l< nj Bðma;=fõ iskdhs m<df;a isák bia,dï rdcH wka;jd§yq ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka mjid we;'

.=jka hdkh ñihs, m%ydrhg ,laù lvd jefgk wdldrh oelafjk ùäfhdajlao whs'tia ;%ia;hka úiska fï jk úg wka;¾cd,hg tla lr we;' flfia fj;;a reishdkq m%jdyk wud;Hjrhd udOH fj; woyia olajñka mjid we;af;a fuu wkdjrKh ;ju ;yjqre lrf.k fkdue;s njhs'

fikiqrdod w¨‍hu .=jka.; ù úkdä lsysmhlg miqj f¾vd¾ ;srfhka w;=reoka jQ hdkfha iqkanqka we;s ia:dk fj; Bfha jkúg <Õdùug wdrlaIl wxY iu;a ù ;snq‚'

thd¾nia A321 udÈ,sfha fuu hdkfha iqkanqka wdY%s;j u< isrere /ila yuqù we;s w;r" wdik n| máo iu. ñhf.dia isák u.Ska oel.; yels nj isoaêh jQ ia:dkfha miqjk wdrlaIl wxY mjid we;'

fï jkúg hdkfha l¿ fmÜá folu yuqù we;s ksid tys jeäÿr mÍlaIK isÿflfrk njo n,OdÍyq mji;s'

tfukau wk;=rg fmr hdkh yd md,l ueÈßh w;r ;snQ m‚jqv yqjudrefõ widudkH ;;a;ajhla fkd;sî we;s w;r" .uka ud¾.h fjkia lsÍfï wjYH;djlao hdkh fkdfmkajd we;s njo n,OdÍyq mji;s'

fï jkúg u<isrere 130lg wdikak m%udKhla bj;alr we;s w;r" lsisfjl=;a Ôj;=ka w;r isákq we;s nj úYajdi l< fkdyels njo lshefjhs'

wk;=r isÿjk wjia:dfõ hdkh .uka l< u.Ska 217ka 214la reishdkqjka njo" fiiq ;sfokd hqlaf¾k cd;slhka njo mejfihs' fï w;r" ldka;djka 138la" msßñ 62la" l=vd orejka 17la isg we;'

fuu hdkh Bðma;=fõ isg reishdfõ mSg¾ian¾.a kqjr olajd mshdir lrñka ;sìh§ wk;=rg ,laj ;snqKq w;r" Bfha ^31od& lhsfrda fõ,dfjka w¨‍hu 5'51g hdkh .=jka.; ù úkdä 23lska th f¾vd¾ ;srfhka w;=reoka ù we;'

tfukau" wk;=rg m;ajk wjia:dfõ§ hdkh wä 31"000la by< wyfia mshdir lrñka mej;s njo lshhs'


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