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whs'tia idudðl uqia,sï
cd;slhdf.a .f,afj,
mjqf,a wh w;awvx.=jg''
Tyq .ek oek isá nj W,ud
ix.uh;a lshhs''

whs'tia ;%ia;jd§ ixúOdkh iu. tlaj igkaje§ ñ m%:u Y%S ,dxlslhd nj lshk .f,afj, m%foaYfha ysgmq úÿy,am;sjrfhl= jk uQia,s ,s,ïoka keue;s uqia,sï cd;slhd ms<sn| ;uka fyd¢ka oek isá nj iuia; ,xld cñbhsh;=,a W,ud ix.uh mjikjd' tfy;a fudyq tjeks ixúOdkhlg iïnkaO njg f;dr;=re ;uka oek .;af;a Tyq ñ njg m< jQ udOH jd¾;d wkqj njhs tu ix.uh i|yka lf<a'

isoaêh .ek ish ia:djrh meyeÈ,s lsÍug tu ixúOdkh fld<U Bfha ^23& udOH yuqjla meje;ajQjd'

Y%S  ,xld uqia,sï iNdj" cd;Hka;r bia,dóh idu ixúOdkh" f,dal uqia,sï ;reKhskaf.a tluq;=j" iuia; ,xld ;reK uqia,sï ix.uh fukau iuia; ,xld ;õySoa cud;a we;=¨ ixúOdk 10 l ksfhdað;hska Bfha mej;s iïfï,khl§ ñka bÈßhg fujeks isÿùulg h<s wjia:dj ,ndfkd§ug tl.;djhlg meñK ;sfnkjd'

fï w;r" Bfha ^23& mej;s leìkÜ udOH yuqfõ§ leìkÜ m%ldYl" wud;H rdð; fiakdr;ak i|yka lf<a fuu mqoa.,hdf.a mjqf,a wfkl=;a idudðlhkao w;awvx.=jg f.k m%Yak lr Tjqka whs'tia' ixúOdkh iu. in|;d mj;ajkjdo hkak ms<sn|j jd¾;djla ,ndfok f,i w.%dud;Hjrhd wdrlaIl wxY fj; Wmfoia ,nd§ we;s njhs' Bfha mej;s leìkÜ /iaùfï§ w.%dud;Hjrhd fï ms<sn|j oekqïÿka njhs Tyq tys§ jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfha'

fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka leìkÜ ;SrK oekqï§fï udOH yuqfõ§ yuqod udOH m%ldYl n%sf.aäh¾ chkd;a chùr i|yka lf<a rfÜ cd;sl wdrlaIdj iïnkaOfhka lsisÿ .eg¨jla we;slr fkd.; hq;= njhs'


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