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lnr f.dhd ;, f.dhd fjhs''
u¾úka is,ajd tcdmhg tla fõ''

ue;sjrKhg ;r. lsÍug ikaOdkfhka wjia:dj fkd,enqKq ysgmq uka;‍%S u¾úka is,ajd uy;d fuu ue;sjrKhg tlai;a cd;sl mla‍Ihg iydh §ug ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

fï wjia:dfõ§ rdcmlaI,d foaYmd,kfhka bj;a lsÍug kï l, hq;= tlu foa tlai;a cd;sl mla‍Ihg iydh m< lsÍu njo mjik Tyq tcdmhg iydh m< l<;a ;ud kshu Y‍%S ,xldldrhl= njo ioyka lrhs'

ish kj ;SrKh wkqj tcdm .ïmy Èia;‍%sla wfmala‍Il w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d iu. foÈk ;=, u¾úka is,ajd uy;d tcdm fõÈldfõ oelsh yels úh'

tcdm ys;jdoSka úiska ue;sjrK ld,fha isg fï olajd iudc cd, fnõ wvú ;=, u¾úka is,ajd uy;d .ek mjiñka tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh oeäj úfõpkh lf<a fydrd" lqvqldrhd" uerhd hkqfjka mjiñks'

ksfhdacH weu;s rxcka rdukdhl uy;do m%isoaêfha mjid isáfha u¾úka is,ajd iDcqju u;aøjH cdjdrug iïnkaO njhs'

u¾úka is,ajd uy;d wo tcdm fõÈldfõ isák úg Tyqj m%isoaêfha úfõpkl l<  mqoa.,hka isákafka frÈ we|f.koehs hk idOdrK ielhla we;s ùu wreuhla fkdfõ'

¥Is;hkag kdufhdackd fkdfok nj m%ldY ùu;a iu. u¾úka is,ajdg kdufhdackd fkd,enqKq w;r iqcd; nj lsõ tcdm fõÈldfõ u; kdufhdackd mjd fkd,enqkq ¥Is;hka isàu ydiHh u;= lrjk ldrKdjla neõ lsj hq;=h'

ish,a, isÿ lrkafka ;ukaf.a f.dv jeälr .ekSug nj fïjdhska ukdj meyeÈ,s fõ' lkak ´k jQ l< lnr f.dhd;a ;,f.dhd fjkjd hk mereKs lshuk lg lykjdg lshQ tlla úh fkdyels nj meyeÈ,sh'


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