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cd;sl fldäfha y;frka ;=klau
isxy,hd fjka lr f.k''
fl< .y,d uÈ''
´l .sKs ;sh,d odkak ´k
- jg/l úð; ysñ uq¿ cd;shgu
.ryhs'' ùäfhda''

zm%cd;ka;%jd§ úma,jh ck wr.,hlska bÈßhg f.khuqz f;audfjka hq;=j kj iu iudc mlaIfha m%;sm;a;s m%ldYh wdpd¾h úl%undyq lreKdr;ak uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka Bfha urodk iudc yd iduchsl flakao%fha§ meje;s w;r tysoS uyshx.K m%dfoaYsh iNdfõ ysgmq uka;%S jjg/l úð; ysñfhda rfÜ j;auka foaYmd,kh .ek woyia oelajQfõh'

tys§ Wkajykafia Y%S ,xldfõ cd;sl Och m%isoaêfha úfõpkh l<y' oeka mj;sk cd;sl fldäh .sks ;shd úkdY l, hq;= nj mejiSh' uyskao rdcmlaI" f.daGdNh rdcmlaI ks¾oh f,i úfõpkh l< jg/l ysñhkaf.a we;eï m%ldY cd;sl iu.shg yd ix>r;akfha iu.shgo m%Yak we;s úh yels kskaÈl m%ldY njo jd¾;d fõ'

miq.shod wd¾ fma%uodi l%Svdx.kfha mej;s Y%S ,xld - mlsia;dk l%slÜ ;r.h w;r isÿjQ isxy, - uqia,sï .egqug uq,ajQ isÿùu jk uqia,sï cd;slhka msßila úiska cd;sl fldäh ìu oud md.ñka fl< .eiSfï isÿùu .ek i`oyka lrñka jg/l úð; ysñ fufiao mejiSh'

''uu kï lshkafka we;a;gu fl< .y,d fkfjhs ´l .sKs ;sh,u odkak ´fka' Th oeka ;sfhk cd;sl fldäh .sKs ;sh,u odkak ´kE' y;frka ;=klau fjka lrf.k ;sfhkafka isxy,hg' fïka f.äh msáka y;frka ;=kala wmsg lsh,d fndafld< y;rla od,d isxyfhla ueÈka odf.k' nqÿ oyu udlaia jdoh fï folu tlhs lsh,d' nqÿ oyu bf.k.kak ´k kï udlaiajdoh bf.k .kak' udlaiajdoh bf.k .kakjd kï nqÿ oyu bf.k .kak hkqfjka jg/l úð; ysñ mjid isáfhah'' ld,fha f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d w,a,ia fldñiug leoùug úfrdaOh m< lr úfrdaO;djfha§ cd;sl fldäh fjkqjg isxyf,a fldäh Tijd cd;sl fldähg wmydi l< nj mjiñka uyskao ys;jd§ uka;%Sjre msßila wêlrKhg le`oùug hymd,lfhda lghq;= l<y'

wo hymdkh fjkqfjka fmkS isák jg/l úð; ysñ m%isoaêfhau cd;sl fldähg wmydi lrñka th fl, .id .sKs ;eìh hq;= nj mjihs' kuq;a wjdikdj kï fudjqka jeks foaYfødaySkag tfrysj hymd,k kS;sh l%shd;aul jkafka ke;s ùuh'

jg/l úð; ysñ fujr uy ue;sjrKhg fld<U Èia;%slalfhka ;r. lrk w;r isx,fhla ù bm§ isxy, cd;shg .ryk fujka mqoa.,hka yg md¾,sfïka;= jrï fkd§ug Pkao odhlhka j.n,d .; hq;=h'


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