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frdiafj,a m%foaYhg
lvdjegqKq msgilaj, hdkfha
wNsryi t,shg ^ùäfhda&

lvd jegqKq hdkfha isá msgilaj, Ôúfhl=f.a isrerla udOH fj; t,s olajhs''

1947 cQ,s udifha 4 Èk weußldfõ ksõ fulaisflda k.rfha frdiafj,a ys isÿjQ yÿkd fkd.;a mshdir jia;=jla msmsßu;a iu. frdiafj,a msgilaj, hdkdjla lvdjegqKq ia:dkhla f,i m%isoaêhg m;ajqKs' kuq;a tys f;dr;=re fndfyda ld,hla b;d ryis.;j ;nd.ekSug trg n,OdÍka úiska lghq;= fldg ;snqKs'

1947 cQ,s 3 jkod rd;%sfha uela fn%i,a frdiafj,a wi, ldka;drhla ueÈka .uka .kakd úg msmqreï yඬla weiS we;s w;r Tyq miqjodu tu ia:dkhg hdfï§ hdkhla lvdjeà we;s whqre oel.ekSug yelsù ;sfí' 

bka wk;=rej uela yd wfkl=;a .ï jeishka úiska frdiafj,a .=jka yuqod lojq/ uQ,ia:dkhg oekqï §fuka wk;=rej yuqodj úiska b;d ryis.;j mÍlaIK lsÍug mgkaf.k ;sfí' mÍlIK lghq;= wjidkfha È.ska ie;mqï ;=kald,la yd m<,ska hdr 250 l j¾.¿,hlska hq;= fmfoil widudkH f,i f,day len,s úisÍ we;s nj oel.ekSug yelsù we;s w;r tu m%‍foaYh wjg ;snQ je,s wêl ;dmhlg ,la ù ùÿ/ njg m;a ù we;s whq/o ksÍlaIKh lsÍug yels ù ;sfí'

tu wk;=r isÿjQ m%foaYfha ;snQ widudkH u,isrero fidhdf.k we;s w;r tajd ms,sn| jir .Kkdjla Tiafia ryis.;j nqoaê wxY úiska mÍlaIK mj;ajd ;sfí' ^06 jkod& y÷kd fkd.;a mshdir j;=ka ms,sn| úfYaI{fhl= jk Tercer Milenio úiska fï ms<sn|j úfYaI fy<sorõjla isÿ lrk ,§'

ta wkqj Tyq úiska uq,a jrg frdiafj,a m%foaYhg lvd jegqKq hdkfha isá msgilaj, Ôúfhl=f.a hehs ;yjqre lr.;a isrerl PdhdrEmhla udOH fj; t,s olajd ;sfí'

ñf,aksfhda úiska meje;ajQ foaYkh iy PdhdrEmh we;=,;a ùäfhdaj n,kak my;ska''

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