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ta l;dj fndre''
fldam%,af.a wf;a ;snqfKa
j;=r fnda;,hla fkfjhs''
Tyq i;=j .sks wú 2la
;snqKdoehs ielhla''

w`.=Kqfld<me,eiafia§ ckm;sf.a m%Odk;ajfhka miq.shod meje;s W;aijhg we;=¿ jQ fldam%,ajrhd w; ;snqfKa j;=r fnda;,hla hehs mejiqKo th m%;slafIam lrk nj fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr fmd,sia wêldß rejka .=Kfialr uy;d lshhs'

Bfha ^12& meje;s udOH yuqjl§ wod< isoaêh .ek udOHfõ§ka m%Yak l< úg fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd lshd isáfha th j;=r fnda;,hla fkdj .sks wúhla hehs meyeÈ,sj y÷kdf.k we;s njhs'

wod< fldam%,ajrhd w; ;snqfKa .sks wúhla fkdj j;=r fnda;,hla hehs kdu,a rdcmlaI uka;%Sjrhd lr we;s m%ldYhla .ek tys§ udOHfõ§ka fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhdf.a wjOdkhg fhduq l< úg ta uy;d fï nj lshd isáfhah'

fï iïnkaOfhka md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;df.ka fï olajd m%Yak lr ke;s njo ta uy;d mejiSh'

fuu isoaêfha§ wod< fldam%,ajrhdg .sks wúhla iys;j W;aij NQñhg we;=¿ùug bv § we;af;a iyldr fmd,sia wêldßjrfhl= nj;a" th fmd,sia úfYaI ld¾h n,ld ks,OdÍka oel" ckm;s wdrlaIl tallfha ks,OdÍkag oekqï§ we;s nj;a" ta uy;d lSfõh'

tfiau ckm;s wdrlaIl tallfha ks,OdÍka úiska wk;=rej fudyq ksoyia lr we;s nj;a" th je/oaola nj;a" mejiq udOH m%ldYljrhd wod< fldam%,ajrhdg W;aij NQñhg we;=¿ùug bv§u iïnkaOfhka iyldr fmd,sia wêldßjrhdg ia:dk udrejla ,nd§ we;ehs o mejiSh'

fuu isoaêfha§ tlS fldam%,ajrhd i;=j .sks wú 2la ;snqKdoehs hk ielh u;o mÍlaIK isÿjk nj;a" Tyqg wem ,nd§u m%;slafIam ù we;af;a fuu kvq lghq;a;g ndOdjla úh yels ksid  nj;a" fuh iq¿fjka fkd;lk nj;a" ta uy;d lSfõh'

fjf,aiqod iu. in|;d meje;a jQ njg t,a, ù we;s fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka ysgmq fmd,siam;s .ek mÍlaIK isÿjk njo fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd jeäÿrg;a lSfõh'

-wo forK-

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