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úfoaY fiajd m%Odkshd ix>r;akhg 
onr.s,a, Èlalrhs

úfoaY /lshd i|yd hk Y%S ,dxlslhkag úfoaYhkays§ isÿjk w;jr yd Tjqka iïnkaOfhka úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hxY ks,OdÍka wkq.ukh lrk ms<sfj; .ek idlÉPd lsÍug úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hxYhg .sh rdjKd n,h ixúOdkfha b;a;Emdfka ioaOd;siai ysñ we;=¿ uyd ix>r;akhg fodaIdfrdamKh lrk iajrEmfhka onr.s,a, Èlalrñka tys iNdm;s wu,a fiakdê,xldr uy;d l;d lf<ah'

fiakdê,xldr uy;d lSfõ idlÉPd lsÍu i|yd fjk;a Èkhla fhdodf.k tk f,ihs' idlÉPdjg Èkhla ,nd .ekSug lsysm wjia:djla ÿrl;k weu;=ï .;a;;a tys ks,OdÍka iNdm;sg fhduq fkdl< nj rdjKd n,ldfha ysñjre lSy'

iNdm;s - wms;a fyd| fn!oaO mjq,aj, ñksiaiq' wms fyd| fiajhla lrkjd' ux ldf.kaj;a i;myla wrf.k kE' ‘

rdjKd n,h - kug fn!oaOfhla fj,d jevla kE' fïfla iuyr ks,OdÍka uqo,g hgfj,d' wehs idlÉPd lrkak neß@ wehs udOHhg nho@‘

ysñjre yd iNdm;s w;r úkdä lsysmhla WKqiqï jpk yqjudrejla isÿjQ w;r bka miq iNdm;s msgù .sfhah'

iNdm;sf.a ldurfhka t<shg meñKs rdjKd n,h ;uka f.k wd ,smsfha msgm;a ksfhdacH idudkHdêldÍ ux., rkafoksh uy;dg ,nd ÿkafkah'

rdjKd n,h - iuyr tackais wysxil ñksiqka  úl=Kfka tlfka lrkafka' iuyr tacka;s ;sfhkjd tlu mrïmrdfõ'

rkafoksh uy;d - Tõ m%Yak ;sfhkjd' tajd l;d lrkak mq¿jka'

rdjKd n,h - fïfla bkak wh yïn lrk yeá" foaYmd,kh lrk yeá wms okakjd' 

tu ùäfhdaj my;ska'''

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