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l=ud¾ .=Kr;akïf.a 
ovh fmrgq.dó mla‍Ih 
wo f.jhs

ùid fkdue;sj /|S isàfï fpdaokdj u; óg jir folyudrlg fmr ´iafÜ%,shdjg msgqjy,a l< fmrgq.dó iudcjdoS mla‍Ifha kdhl l=ud¾ .=Kr;akï fyj;a fkdfh,a uqo,sf.a uy;d fjkqfjka tod mekjQ ovh tu mla‍Ifha fcHIaG idudðlhka fofokl= wo 09od ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=jg f.ùug ;SrKh lr we;’ 

tu ov uqo, f.jQ miqj ´iafÜ%,shdkq mqrjeishl= jk l=ud¾ .=Kr;akï uy;dg h<s Y%S ,xldjg meñKSu i|yd ùid whÿï l< yelsjkq we;ehs fmrgq.dó iudcjdoS mla‍Ifha m%pdrl f,alï mqnqÿ cdf.dv uy;d lSfõh’

fmrgq.dó iudcjdoS mla‍Ifha uyf,alï fiakdër .=K;s,l fyj;a ´md; uy;a;hd iy uOHu ldrl iNsl cQâ l%sIdka; is,ajmq,af,a hk uy;ajreka fmf¾od 07od fuu ovh f.ùu i|yd ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=j fj; f.dia ‌ kej; yeÍ meñK we;’ remsh,a 39100la ‌ jk fuu ovh f.ùu i|yd ,shú,s iQokï lr .ekSug fomd¾;fïka;= ks,OdÍkag ld,h wjYH ksid tosk h<s meñKs nj mqnqÿ cdf.dv uy;d m%ldY lf<ah’

l=ud¾ .=Kr;akï uy;d TiafÜ%,shdkq úfoaY .uka n,m;%hla ‌ u.ska 2011 iema;eïn¾ 4od fkdfh,a uqo,sf.a kñka Y%S ,xldjg meñKs w;r ta jkúg Tyq ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa ieÕjqKq kdhlhl= f,i lghq;= lf<ah’

Y%S ,xldjg meñK lsßn;af.dv ksjil /|S isá l=ud¾ .=Kr;akï fyj;a fkdfh,a uqo,sf.a 2012 wfm%a,a 06 jeksod meyerf.k f.dia ‌ miqj 09 jeksod w¨hu fougf.dv msysá fld<U wmrdO fldÜGdi m%Odk ld¾hd,h bosßmsg oudf.dia ‌ ;sìKs’ bka miq .=Kr;akï uy;d fmd,sishg Ndr jQ w;r tu wjia:dfõoS furg ´iafÜ%,shdkq uy flduidßia ld¾hd,fha ks,Odßkshla meñK fkdfh,a uqo,sf.a ku i|yka .=Kr;akï uy;df.a úfoaY .uka n,m;%h fmd,sishg bosßm;a l<dh’ 

´iafÜ%,shdkq mqrjeishl= jk Tyq ksoyia ‌lr .ekSug wjYH nj wE m%ldY lr ;sfí’ ta wkqj ùid fkdue;sj furg /|S isáfï fpdaokdj u; l=ud¾ .=Kr;akï uy;dg ov uqo,la ‌ kshu lr Y%S ,xldfjka msgqjy,a lf<ah’

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