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fvdama ù wrlal= fnda;,h fjkqjg 
fí%la Ths,a î,d

îu;ska isáh§ u;ameka hehs is;d ;sßx. f;,a ^fn%ala Uhs,a& mdkh lr wkqrdOmqr frdayf,a m%;sldr ,nñka isá fkdÉÑhd.u m%foaYfha jHdmßlfhl= urKhg m;aj ;sfí' fufia urKhg m;aj we;af;a OdkH wf,ú lsÍfï jHdmdrhl kshq;=j isá fodUj,.u fkdÉÑhd.u msÈxÑj isá Wlal= nxvdf.a ihsria chúl%u keue;s foore msfhls' 

ìßh ksjfia fkdisá wjia:djl wêl f,i îu;ska ksjig meñK Tyqg wh;a f,dßfha ;snQ fnda;,hla u;ameka hehs is;d mdkh lr we;s nj ñh .sh whf.a urK mÍlaIKfha§ wkdjrKh úh' fuu mqoa.,hd u;ameka fnda;,hla ksjig /f.k ú;a f,dßfha ;nd we;' 

u;ameka mdkh lr wisysfhka f.dia f,dß r:fha ;sßx. f;,a fnda;,h /f.k mdkh lr we;s nj urK mÍlaIKfha§ wkdjrKh úh' ;sßx. f;,a mdkh lsÍfuka ìu weo jeà isá mqoa.,hd Tyqf.a mq;%hd f,dßfhau oudf.k fkdÉÑhd.u rcfha frday, fj; /f.k ú;a we;;a Tyqf.a ;;ajh widOH neúka wkqrdOmqr frday,g udre lr ;sfí'

Èk follg wdikak ld,hla frdayf,a m%;sldr ,enQ jHdmdßlhd urKhg m;aj ;sfí' ñ jHdmdßlhdf.a yÈis urK mÍlaIKh wkqrdOmqr kd.ßl yÈis mÍlaIl tï' tï' l=,fialr uy;d úiska meje;aùh' wêl f,i îu;aj isáh§ u;ameka hehs is;d ;sßx. f;,a mdkh lsÍfuka jl=.vq wl¾ukH ùu fya;=fjka fuu urKh ù we;s nj urK mÍlaIljrhd ks.ukh flßKs'

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